

<a href="https://nbd.wtf"><img align="right" height="196" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1653275/194609043-0add674b-dd40-41ed-986c-ab4a2e053092.png" /></a>

Client for Lightning-compatible Lite Channels aka "Hosted"

This is an amazing piece of software, still work-in-progress, based on IMMORTAN, that can do Lightning things, it is a "lite node", as we may call.


Grab a jar from the releases page and run it with java -jar cliche.jar. This will use ~/.config/cliche as your data directory and create a SQLite database there.

To use a different directory do java -Dcliche.datadir=/my/other/directory -jar cliche.jar.

In that directory you can have a file called cliche.conf that can have the same options that we have specified on reference.conf. The settings will default to the ones on reference.conf. You can also specify the settings as flags like the cliche.datadir above and these will take precedence even over cliche.conf.

Running the native image (no JVM required)

Download the native image from the releases page, call chmod +x on it and run it with ./cliche. All the rest is the same as above except it doesn't require a Java Virtual Machine at all (also starts much faster and who knows, maybe it's faster and leaner too but that remains to be proven).

To pass options just do ./cliche -Dcliche.datadir=etc.


cliche can be used either via direct communication via STDIN with responses via STDOUT or through a websocket (that is hardcoded to listen at ws:// Both interfaces accept either CLI-style commands or JSON-RPC.

This is an example session with some commands called and asynchronous events being received:

~> ./cliche
# initial parameters
# configs: network=mainnet json.compact=false
# setting up database
# setting up pathfinder
# instantiating channel master
# instantiating electrum actors
# loading onchain wallets
# start electrum, fee rate listener
# is operational: true
# listening for outgoing payments
# listening for incoming payments
# waiting for commands
      "mnemonics":"vendor doll ritual dune aisle depart trial dinosaur tilt kick stairs forest"
create-invoice --msatoshi 12000 --description hello
pay-invoice --invoice lnbc120n1p3ys2znpp5ecudgkjpffs9unvcp2pxws3gjs9sm5u78y340cns330vdtn3req

The same methods can be called either with this CLI-like format or with JSON-RPC, like


Casual Usage

For casual usage you'll want the CLI-style commands format, so you can just type create-invoice --msatoshi 100000 --description test, for example, and get a response in your terminal.

Programmatic Usage

For programmatic usage you'll want the JSON-RPC format so you can distinguish responses by their JSON-RPC ids.

This is intended to be started by a different program and methods to be called by sending data over STDIN and responses from STDOUT.




Building and development

For development you can just do sbt run, and to compile a fat jar that later can be run with just java -jar do sbt assembly.

If your build.sbt happen to have an Immortan version ending with -SNAPSHOT that means you either have to build Immortan and publish it locally using that version (sbt publishLocal on Immortan repository) or you can change to a non-snapshot version. Pick one from here.

Building the GraalVM Native Image

  1. Download GraalVM, here I used java11-linux version from release;
  2. Set the environment variable GRAALVM_HOME to the directory where you unzipped that;
  3. Run sbt nativeImage.

(If something big changes then it might be necessary to run the native image agent again. In that case it might be wise to edit the Main.scala block guarded by the if (Config.nativeImageAgent) condition to make sure the most important codepaths are touched during the agent run, then run sbt nativeImageRunAgent and then sbt nativeImage.)


This is a list of projects using cliche: