

Read me first

This project is licensed under both LGPLv3 and ASL 2.0. See file LICENSE for more details.

Requires Java 7 or better.

The current version is 2.0.0:

dependencies {
    compile(group: "com.github.fge", name: "grappa-tracer-backport",
        version: "2.0.0");

What is it

This is a backport of the event-listening parse runner (new in grappa 2.0.x) for grappa 1.0.x.

Included is a tracing listener which uou can use it to run your grappa 1.0.x/parboiled1 parsers, which you can then analyze using the GUI debugger.


An important precision first: you do NOT need to annotate your parser with @BuildParseTree in order for this tracing parser to work.

You need a path to a zip file, which must not exist prior to running the parser. In the example below:


final MyParser parser = Parboiled.createParser(MyParser.class);

final Path zipPath = Paths.get("/tmp/trace.zip");
final TracingListener<String> listener
    = new TracingListener<>(zipPath);
final ParseRunner<String> runner
    = new EventBasedParseRunner<>(parser.theRule());


After the run, the zip file will have been created. It will contain both the input text which you used (which can be very large if you used largetext) and a JSON file containing all the trace events.

You can then use the GUI debugger to load this zip file.