

PHP Algorand SDK 2.0 (algod, algokey, kmd, transactions and indexer)

A Pure PHP (no dependencies) library for interacting with the Algorand network.

All files in this directory will show you about the best pratices that you should do when implementing php-algorand-sdk into your project.


Frameworks Compatibility

This SDK was developed to support several PHP Frameworks, tested with:

In the sdk folder you will find the setup suggestions.

Quick start

For running this example, you need to install php-algorand-sdk library before, and start the node.

$ git clone https://github.com/ffsolutions/php-algorand-sdk
$ ./goal node start -d data
$ ./goal kmd start -d data
$ ./algorand-indexer daemon -h -d data

After cloning the repository, you need to include the php-algorand-sdk:

require_once 'sdk/algorand.php';
require_once 'sdk/algokey.php';

#OR with namespace include

use App\Algorand\algorand;
use App\Algorand\transactions;
use App\Algorand\algokey;
use App\Algorand\b32;
use App\Algorand\msgpack;

For use the algod:

# Node
$algorand = new Algorand("algod","{algod-token}","localhost",53898); //get the token key in data/algod.admin.token

# PureStake
$algorand = new Algorand("algod","{pure-stake-token}","mainnet-algorand.api.purestake.io/ps2",0,true); //External PureStake


(see all avaliable functions in algod.php)

For use the kmd:

#Node only
$algorand_kmd = new  Algorand("kmd","{kmd-token}","localhost",7833); //get the token key in data/kmd-{version}/kmd.token and port in data/kmd-{version}/kmd.net

(see all avaliable functions in kmd.php)

For use the indexer:

$algorand_indexer = new Algorand("indexer","{algorand-indexer-token}","localhost",8089);

$algorand_indexer = new Algorand("indexer","{pure-stake-token}","mainnet-algorand.api.purestake.io/idx2",0,true); //true for External PureStake


(see all avaliable functions in indexer.php)

For use the algokey:

$algokey=new  algokey;


(see all avaliable functions in algokey.php)

For use the transactions:

$algorand_transactions = new  Algorand_transactions;
#Build and Sign a transaction, for details: https://developer.algorand.org/docs/features/transactions

#Payment Transaction (ALGO)

        "txn" => array(
                "type" => "pay", //Tx Type
                "fee" => 1000, //Fee
                "fv" => 27151092, //First Valid
                "gen" => "mainnet-v1.0", // GenesisID
                "gh" => "wGHE2Pwdvd7S12BL5FaOP20EGYesN73ktiC1qzkkit8=", //Genesis Hash
                "lv" => 27152092, //Last Valid
                "note" => "Testes", //You note
                "snd" => "3DKZLYQJXSUAE7ZCFZN7ODZSOA6733PI5BFM4L7WI4S3K6KEVOOA6KDN2I", //Sender
                "amt" => 1000, //Amount

(see all avaliable functions in transactions.php)

Vídeo Tutorial

PHP Algorand SDK Vídeo Tutorial


Application Examples

See at examples folder.


Algorand Wallet PHP GUI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ju1f5MrwJKA

Algorand Asset Manager PHP GUI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b__DhRzAex0

Algorand Explorer PHP GUI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b__DhRzAex0

Complete Guide

Node setup (macOS and Linux)

Verified on macOS Monterey 12.5.1 and Ubuntu 22.04

For other cases, follow the instructions in Algorand's developer resources to install a node on your computer.


For macOS and Linux:

Create a temporary folder to hold the install package and files:

$ mkdir ~/node
$ cd ~/node

Download the updater script:


$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/algorand/go-algorand/rel/stable/cmd/updater/update.sh -O


$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/algorand/go-algorand/rel/stable/cmd/updater/update.sh

Ensure that your system knows it's an executable file:

$ chmod 744 update.sh

Run the installer from within your node directory:

$ ./update.sh -i -c stable -p ~/node -d ~/node/data -n

Create and change the config.json

$ cp data/config.json.example data/config.json
$ chmod 777 data/config.json
$ cp data/kmd-v{version}/kmd_config.json.example data/kmd-v{version}/kmd_config.json
$ chmod 777 data/kmd-v{version}/kmd_config.json
$ vim data/config.json

Change the line, press I to enable edition, make changes, press ESC and type :w + [enter], :q + [enter] to finish.

"EndpointAddress": "",  
"EndpointAddress": "",

Start Node:

./goal node start -d data
./goal kmd start -d data
./algorand-indexer daemon -P "host= port=5432 user={user} password={password} dbname=algorand sslmode=disable"  --no-algod

To see if the node is running:

$ htop

Press F10 to close the htop

Sync Node Network using Fast Catchup

Fast Catchup is a new feature and will rapidly update a node using catchpoint snapshots. A new command on goal node is now available for catchup. The entire process should sync a node in minutes rather than hours or days.

Get the catchpoint

$ wget -qO- https://algorand-catchpoints.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/channel/mainnet/latest.catchpoint

Use the sync point captured above and paste into the catchup option


Node Status: ./goal node status -d data Results should show 5 Catchpoint status lines for Catchpoint, total accounts, accounts processed, total blocks , downloaded blocks. Notice that the 5 Catchpoint status lines will disappear when completed, and then only a few more minutes are needed so sync from that point to the current block. Once there is a Sync Time of 0, the node is synced and if fully usable.

Last committed block: 11494
Sync Time: 58.1s
Catchpoint total accounts: 9133629
Catchpoint accounts processed: 7786496
Catchpoint accounts verified: 0
Genesis ID: mainnet-v1.0
Genesis hash: wGHE2Pwdvd7S12BL5FaOP20EGYesN73ktiC1qzkkit8=

Installing the Algorand Indexer

For more details: https://developer.algorand.org/docs/run-a-node/setup/indexer/

Installing and Using the Algorand PHP SDK

Get the node tokens and address:

$ cat data/algod.token
$ cat data/kmd-{version}/kmd.token
$ cat data/kmd-{version}/kmd.net

Clone Git Hub Project

$ git clone https://github.com/ffsolutions/php-algorand-sdk.git

After cloning the repository, you need to include the php-algorand-sdk:

require_once 'sdk/algorand.php';
require_once 'sdk/algokey.php';
require_once 'sdk/transactions.php';

#OR with namespace include

use App\Algorand\algorand;
use App\Algorand\algokey;
use App\Algorand\transactions;
use App\Algorand\b32;
use App\Algorand\msgpack;

For use the Algokey:

Start the Algokey

$algokey=new  algokey;

Generate New Key/Account/Address

echo "Words to string: ".implode(" ",$key['words'])."\n";

Words to Private Key and Public Key (Array)

$words=explode(" ","connect produce defense output sibling idea oil siege decline dentist faint electric method notice style cook unlock rice confirm host tone test vehicle able keen"); //2OEZACD77WSR5C2HFEHO2BYHQEATOGFIUW3REGKOGNPPNYPPLROHDU2CQE
$privateKey=$algokey->WordsToPrivateKey($words); //Array
echo "Private Key: ".$privateKey."\n";
echo "Private Key decoded: ".$privateKey_decoded."\n";
echo "Public Key B32: ".$publicKey."\n";
echo "Public Key decoded: ".$publicKey_decoded."\n";

Private Key to Words

echo "Words: ".implode(" ",$return_words)."\n";

Sign Transaction with Algokey PHP

        "txn" => array(
                "type" => "pay", //Tx Type
                "fee" => 1000, //Fee
                "fv" => 28237321, //First Valid
                "gen" => "mainnet-v1.0", // GenesisID
                "gh" => "wGHE2Pwdvd7S12BL5FaOP20EGYesN73ktiC1qzkkit8=", //Genesis Hash
                "lv" => 28238321, //Last Valid
                "note" => "", //You note
                "rcv" => "DI65FPLNUXOJJR47FDTIB5TNNIA5G4EZFA44RZMRBE7AA4D453OYD2JCW4", //Receiver
                "amt" => 1003, //Amount


Broadcasts a raw transaction to the network.


$algorand = new Algorand("algod","4820e6e45f339e0026eaa2b74c2aa7d8735cbcb2db0cf0444fb492892e1c09b7","localhost",53898);

For use the Algod:

Start the SDK

$algorand = new  Algorand("algod",'{algod-token}',"localhost",53898); //get the token key in data/algod.token

$algorand = new Algorand("algod","{pure-stake-token}","mainnet-algorand.api.purestake.io/ps2",0,true); //true for External PureStake

Get the versions


Gets the current node status.


Gets the node status after waiting for the given round.


Gets the genesis information.


Returns 200 (OK) if healthy.


Return metrics about algod functioning.


Gets the current swagger spec.


Get account information and balances.

$return=$algorand->get("v2","accounts","{address}","?exclude=none&?format=json"); //?exclude=none or all. When set to all will exclude asset holdings, &format=json or msgpack (opcional, default json)

Get account information about a given app.


Get account information about a given asset.


Get a list of unconfirmed transactions currently in the transaction pool by address.


Get application information.


Get box information for a given application.


Get all box names for a given application.


Get asset information.


Get the block for the given round.


Get the block hash for the block on the given round.


Gets a proof for a given light block header inside a state proof commitment


Get a proof for a transaction in a block.


Starts a catchpoint catchup. For the last catchpoint access: https://algorand-catchpoints.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/channel/mainnet/latest.catchpoint


Aborts a catchpoint catchup.


Get a LedgerStateDelta object for a given round


Get the current supply reported by the ledger.


Returns the minimum sync round the ledger is keeping in cache.


Removes minimum sync round restriction from the ledger.


Given a round, tells the ledger to keep that round in its cache.


Add a participation key to the node


Return a list of participation keys


Append state proof keys to a participation key


Get participation key info given a participation ID


Delete a given participation key by ID


Special management endpoint to shutdown the node. Optionally provide a timeout parameter to indicate that the node should begin shutting down after a number of seconds.

$params['params']=array("timeout" => 0);
$return=$algorand->post("v2","shutdown", $params);

Get a state proof that covers a given round


Compile TEAL source code to binary, produce its hash


Disassemble program bytes into the TEAL source code.


Provide debugging information for a transaction (or group).

                        "accounts" => array(), //Account
                        "apps" => array(), //Application
                        "latest-timestamp" => 0, //integer
                        "protocol-version" => "", //string
                        "round" => 0, //integer
                        "sources" => array(), //DryrunSource
                        "txns" => "", //string (json) > array

Broadcasts a raw transaction to the network.

#Generate and Sign the transaction with cli or this sdk:
//CLI sample
#./goal clerk send -a 1000 -f {address_from} -t {address_to} -d data -o transactions/tran.txn
#./goal clerk sign --infile="trans/tran.txn" --outfile="trans/tran.stxn" -d data


Get parameters for constructing a new transaction


Get a list of unconfirmed transactions currently in the transaction pool.


Get a specific pending transaction.


For more details: https://developer.algorand.org/docs/reference/rest-apis/algod/v2/

For use the KMD:

Start the SDK

$algorand_kmd = new  Algorand("kmd","{kmd-token}","localhost",7833); //get the token key in data/kmd-{version}/kmd.token and port in data/kmd-{version}/kmd.net

$algorand_transactions = new  Algorand_transactions;

Get Versions


Get swagger.json


Create Wallet

    "wallet_name" => "",
    "wallet_password" => "",
    "wallet_driver_name" => "sqlite",

Wallet List


Wallet Init

    "wallet_id" => "",
    "wallet_password" => "",

Wallet Info

    "wallet_handle_token" => $wallet_handle_token,

Wallet Rename

    "wallet_id" => "",
    "wallet_name" => "",
    "wallet_password" => "",

Wallet Handle Token Release

    "wallet_handle_token" => $wallet_handle_token,

Wallet Handle Token Renew

    "wallet_handle_token" => $wallet_handle_token,

Generate a key

    "display_mnemonic" => false,
    "wallet_handle_token" => $wallet_handle_token

Delete a key

    "address" => "",
    "wallet_handle_token" => $wallet_handle_token,
    "wallet_password" => ""

Export a key

    "wallet_password" => "testes",
    "wallet_handle_token" => $wallet_handle_token


require_once 'sdk/algokey.php';
$algokey=new algokey;



Import a key

require_once 'sdk/algokey.php';

$algokey=new algokey;
$words="ripple trap smoke crop name donor sun actor wreck disease mushroom sweet because phrase involve sail umbrella control swing uncle card phrase human absent marble";
$words_array=explode(" ",$words);


    "private_key" => $privatekey,
    "wallet_handle_token" => $wallet_handle_token

List keys in wallet

    "wallet_handle_token" => $wallet_handle_token

Master Key export

    "wallet_password" => "",
    "wallet_handle_token" => $wallet_handle_token

Delete a multisig

    "address" => "",
    "wallet_handle_token" => $wallet_handle_token,
    "wallet_password" => ""

Export a multisig

    "address" => "",
    "wallet_handle_token" => $wallet_handle_token

Import a multisig

    "multisig_version" => "1",
    "pks" => array(''),
    "threshold" => 1,
    "wallet_handle_token" => $wallet_handle_token

List multisig in wallet

    "wallet_handle_token" => $wallet_handle_token

Sign a multisig transaction

    "partial_multisig" => array(
                                "Subsigs" => array(
                                                    "Key" => array(),
                                                    "Sig" => array(),
                                "Threshold" => 1,
                                "Version" => 1
    "public_key" => array(''),
    "signer" => array(''),
    "transaction" => "",
    "wallet_handle_token" => $wallet_handle_token,
    "wallet_password" => ""

Sign a program for a multisig account

    "address" => "",
    "data" => "",
    "partial_multisig" => array(
                                "Subsigs" => array(
                                                    "Key" => array(),
                                                    "Sig" => array(),
                                "Threshold" => 1,
                                "Version" => 1
    "public_key" => array(''),
    "wallet_handle_token" => $wallet_handle_token,
    "wallet_password" => ""

Sign program

    "address" => "",
    "data" => "",
    "wallet_handle_token" => $wallet_handle_token,
    "wallet_password" => ""

For use Transactions:

To sign with Algokey load the Private Key

$words=explode(" ","connect produce defense output sibling idea oil siege decline dentist faint electric method notice style cook unlock rice confirm host tone test vehicle able keen"); //2OEZACD77WSR5C2HFEHO2BYHQEATOGFIUW3REGKOGNPPNYPPLROHDU2CQE
$privateKey=$algokey->WordsToPrivateKey($words); //Array to load words

To sign with KMD load the Wallet

$algorand_kmd = new Algorand("kmd","{kmd-token}","localhost",7833); //get the token key in data/kmd-{version}/kmd.token and port in data/kmd-{version}/kmd.net

#Wallet Init  //Only if you will use the KMD.
    "wallet_id" => "",
    "wallet_password" => "tests",

Build and Sign a transaction

For details: https://developer.algorand.org/docs/features/transactions


appl = ApplicationCallTx allows creating, deleting, and interacting with an application

cert = CompactCertTx records a compact certificate

keyreg = KeyRegistrationTx indicates a transaction that registers participation keys

acfg = AssetConfigTx creates, re-configures, or destroys an asset

axfer = AssetTransferTx transfers assets between accounts (optionally closing)

afrz = AssetFreezeTx changes the freeze status of an asset

pay = PaymentTx indicates a payment transaction

Build Transaction

Application Call Transaction

        "txn" => array(
                "type" => "appl", //Tx Type
                "snd" => "DI65FPLNUXOJJR47FDTIB5TNNIA5G4EZFA44RZMRBE7AA4D453OYD2JCW4", //Sender
                "fee" => 1000, //Fee
                "fv" => 13029982, //First Valid
                "lv" => 13023082, //Last Valid
                "gh" => "wGHE2Pwdvd7S12BL5FaOP20EGYesN73ktiC1qzkkit8=", //Genesis Hash
                "apid" => "", //Application ID or empty if creating
                "apan" => "", //OnComplete
                "apat" => "", //Accounts
                "apap" => "", //Approval Program
                "apaa" => "", //App Arguments
                "apsu" => "", //Clear State Program
                "apfa" => "", //Foreign Apps
                "apas" => "", //Foreign Assets
                "apgs" => array( //GlobalStateSchema
                            "nui" => "", //Number Ints
                            "nbs" => "", //Number Byteslices
                "apls" => array( //LocalStateSchema
                            "nui" => "", //Number Ints
                            "nbs" => "", //Number Byteslices

Compact Certificate

        "txn" => array(
                "type" => "cert", //Tx Type
                "snd" => "DI65FPLNUXOJJR47FDTIB5TNNIA5G4EZFA44RZMRBE7AA4D453OYD2JCW4", //Sender
                "fee" => 1000, //Fee
                "fv" => 13029982, //First Valid
                "lv" => 13023082, //Last Valid
                "gh" => "wGHE2Pwdvd7S12BL5FaOP20EGYesN73ktiC1qzkkit8=", //Genesis Hash
                "certrnd" => "", //Round
                "certtype" => "", //CompactCertType
                "cert" => "", //Cert

Register account online

        "txn" => array(
                "type" => "keyreg", //Tx Type
                "selkey" => "X84ReKTmp+yfgmMCbbokVqeFFFrKQeFZKEXG89SXwm4=", //SelectionPK
                "fee" => 1000, //Fee
                "fv" => 13009389, //First Valid
                "gh" => "wGHE2Pwdvd7S12BL5FaOP20EGYesN73ktiC1qzkkit8=", //Genesis Hash
                "lv" => 13009489, //Last Valid
                "votefst" => 13009489, //VoteFirst
                "votelst" => 13009589, //VoteLast
                "votekd" => 1730, //VoteKeyDilution
                "votekey" => "eXq34wzh2UIxCZaI1leALKyAvSz/+XOe0wqdHagM+bw=",
                "snd" => "DI65FPLNUXOJJR47FDTIB5TNNIA5G4EZFA44RZMRBE7AA4D453OYD2JCW4", //Sender

Register account offline

        "txn" => array(
                "type" => "keyreg", //Tx Type
                "fee" => 1000, //Fee
                "fv" => 13009389, //First Valid
                "gh" => "wGHE2Pwdvd7S12BL5FaOP20EGYesN73ktiC1qzkkit8=", //Genesis Hash
                "lv" => 13009489, //Last Valid
                "snd" => "DI65FPLNUXOJJR47FDTIB5TNNIA5G4EZFA44RZMRBE7AA4D453OYD2JCW4", //Sender

Close an Account

        "txn" => array(
                "type" => "pay", //Tx Type
                "fee" => 1000, //Fee
                "fv" => 13009389, //First Valid
                "lv" => 13009489, //Last Valid
                "gen" => "mainnet-v1.0", // GenesisID
                "gh" => "wGHE2Pwdvd7S12BL5FaOP20EGYesN73ktiC1qzkkit8=", //Genesis Hash
                "note" => "Testes", //You note
                "snd" => "DI65FPLNUXOJJR47FDTIB5TNNIA5G4EZFA44RZMRBE7AA4D453OYD2JCW4", //Sender
                "rcv" => "EW64GC6F24M7NDSC5R3ES4YUVE3ZXXNMARJHDCCCLIHZU6TBEOC7XRSBG4", //Receiver

Create an Asset

        "txn" => array(
                "type" => "acfg", //Tx Type
                "snd" => "DI65FPLNUXOJJR47FDTIB5TNNIA5G4EZFA44RZMRBE7AA4D453OYD2JCW4", //Sender
                "fee" => 1000, //Fee
                "fv" => 13027977, //First Valid
                "lv" => 13028977, //Last Valid
                "gh" => "wGHE2Pwdvd7S12BL5FaOP20EGYesN73ktiC1qzkkit8=", //Genesis Hash
                "apar" => array( //AssetParams
                        //"am" => "", //MetaDataHash
                        "an" => "MyToken", //AssetName
                        "au" => "https://mytoken.site", //URL
                        "c" => "DI65FPLNUXOJJR47FDTIB5TNNIA5G4EZFA44RZMRBE7AA4D453OYD2JCW4", //ClawbackAddr
                        "dc" => 2, //Decimals
                        "f" => "DI65FPLNUXOJJR47FDTIB5TNNIA5G4EZFA44RZMRBE7AA4D453OYD2JCW4", //FreezeAddr
                        "m" => "DI65FPLNUXOJJR47FDTIB5TNNIA5G4EZFA44RZMRBE7AA4D453OYD2JCW4", //ManagerAddr
                        "r" => "DI65FPLNUXOJJR47FDTIB5TNNIA5G4EZFA44RZMRBE7AA4D453OYD2JCW4", //ReserveAddr
                        "t" => 100000000000, //Total
                        "un" => "MTK", //UnitName


Reconfigure an Asset

        "txn" => array(
                "type" => "acfg", //Tx Type
                "snd" => "DI65FPLNUXOJJR47FDTIB5TNNIA5G4EZFA44RZMRBE7AA4D453OYD2JCW4", //Sender
                "fee" => 1000, //Fee
                "fv" => 13027977, //First Valid
                "lv" => 13028977, //Last Valid
                "gh" => "wGHE2Pwdvd7S12BL5FaOP20EGYesN73ktiC1qzkkit8=", //Genesis Hash
                "caid" => 185553584,
                "apar" => array( //AssetParams
                        "c" => "DI65FPLNUXOJJR47FDTIB5TNNIA5G4EZFA44RZMRBE7AA4D453OYD2JCW4", //ClawbackAddr
                        "f" => "DI65FPLNUXOJJR47FDTIB5TNNIA5G4EZFA44RZMRBE7AA4D453OYD2JCW4", //FreezeAddr
                        "m" => "DI65FPLNUXOJJR47FDTIB5TNNIA5G4EZFA44RZMRBE7AA4D453OYD2JCW4", //ManagerAddr
                        "r" => "DI65FPLNUXOJJR47FDTIB5TNNIA5G4EZFA44RZMRBE7AA4D453OYD2JCW4", //ReserveAddr


Destroy an Asset

        "txn" => array(
                "type" => "acfg", //Tx Type
                "snd" => "DI65FPLNUXOJJR47FDTIB5TNNIA5G4EZFA44RZMRBE7AA4D453OYD2JCW4", //Sender
                "fee" => 1000, //Fee
                "fv" => 13027977, //First Valid
                "lv" => 13028977, //Last Valid
                "gh" => "wGHE2Pwdvd7S12BL5FaOP20EGYesN73ktiC1qzkkit8=", //Genesis Hash
                "caid" => 185553584, //ConfigAsset ID

Opt-in to an Asset

        "txn" => array(
                "type" => "axfer", //Tx Type
                "arcv" => "DOVA6TULHNY2DCS65LVT5QYLWZGM7WC2GISPRGNDWDUH3KUX56ZLQJW3AY", //AssetReceiver
                "fee" => 1000, //Fee
                "fv" => 13028464, //First Valid
                "lv" => 13028564, //Last Valid
                "gh" => "wGHE2Pwdvd7S12BL5FaOP20EGYesN73ktiC1qzkkit8=", //Genesis Hash
                "xaid" => 185553584, //XferAsset ID

Revoke an Asset

        "txn" => array(
                "aamt" => 100,
                "type" => "axfer", //Tx Type
                "arcv" => "DI65FPLNUXOJJR47FDTIB5TNNIA5G4EZFA44RZMRBE7AA4D453OYD2JCW4", //AssetReceiver
                "asnd" => "DOVA6TULHNY2DCS65LVT5QYLWZGM7WC2GISPRGNDWDUH3KUX56ZLQJW3AY", //AssetSender
                "snd" => "DI65FPLNUXOJJR47FDTIB5TNNIA5G4EZFA44RZMRBE7AA4D453OYD2JCW4", //Sender
                "fee" => 1000, //Fee
                "fv" => 13028982, //First Valid
                "lv" => 13029982, //Last Valid
                "gh" => "wGHE2Pwdvd7S12BL5FaOP20EGYesN73ktiC1qzkkit8=", //Genesis Hash
                "xaid" => 185553584, //XferAsset ID

Freeze an Asset

        "txn" => array(
                "afrz" => false,
                "type" => "afrz", //Tx Type
                "fadd" => "DOVA6TULHNY2DCS65LVT5QYLWZGM7WC2GISPRGNDWDUH3KUX56ZLQJW3AY", //FreezeAccount
                "snd" => "DI65FPLNUXOJJR47FDTIB5TNNIA5G4EZFA44RZMRBE7AA4D453OYD2JCW4", //Sender
                "fee" => 1000, //Fee
                "fv" => 13029982, //First Valid
                "lv" => 13023082, //Last Valid
                "gh" => "wGHE2Pwdvd7S12BL5FaOP20EGYesN73ktiC1qzkkit8=", //Genesis Hash
                "faid" => 185553584, //FreezeAsset

Transfer an Asset

        "txn" => array(
                "aamt" => 100,
                "type" => "axfer", //Tx Type
                "arcv" => "DI65FPLNUXOJJR47FDTIB5TNNIA5G4EZFA44RZMRBE7AA4D453OYD2JCW4", //AssetReceiver
                "fee" => 1000, //Fee
                "fv" => 13028982, //First Valid
                "lv" => 13029982, //Last Valid
                "gh" => "wGHE2Pwdvd7S12BL5FaOP20EGYesN73ktiC1qzkkit8=", //Genesis Hash
                "xaid" => 185553584, //XferAsset ID

Payment Transaction (ALGO)

        "txn" => array(
                "type" => "pay", //Tx Type
                "fee" => 1000, //Fee
                "fv" => 13009389, //First Valid
                "gen" => "mainnet-v1.0", // GenesisID
                "gh" => "wGHE2Pwdvd7S12BL5FaOP20EGYesN73ktiC1qzkkit8=", //Genesis Hash
                "lv" => 13009489, //Last Valid
                "note" => "Testes", //You note
                "snd" => "DI65FPLNUXOJJR47FDTIB5TNNIA5G4EZFA44RZMRBE7AA4D453OYD2JCW4", //Sender
                "amt" => 1000, //Amount

Sign Transaction

   "transaction" => $algorand_kmd->txn_encode($transaction),
   "wallet_handle_token" => $wallet_handle_token,
   "wallet_password" => "testes"

echo $txn;

Broadcasts a raw transaction to the network.

$algorand = new Algorand_algod('{algod-token}',"localhost",53898);
echo "txId: $txId";

For more details: https://developer.algorand.org/docs/reference/rest-apis/kmd/

Atomic Transfers

Create Transactions


//Transaction 1
        "txn" => array(
                "type" => "pay", //Tx Type
                "fee" => 1000, //Fee
                "fv" => 28259644, //First Valid
                "gen" => "mainnet-v1.0", // GenesisID
                "gh" => "wGHE2Pwdvd7S12BL5FaOP20EGYesN73ktiC1qzkkit8=", //Genesis Hash
                "lv" => 28260644, //Last Valid
                "note" => "Testes", //You note
                "snd" => "3DKZLYQJXSUAE7ZCFZN7ODZSOA6733PI5BFM4L7WI4S3K6KEVOOA6KDN2I", //Sender
                "rcv" => "DI65FPLNUXOJJR47FDTIB5TNNIA5G4EZFA44RZMRBE7AA4D453OYD2JCW4", //Receiver
                "amt" => 102, //Amount

//Transaction 2
        "txn" => array(
                "type" => "pay", //Tx Type
                "fee" => 1000, //Fee
                "fv" => 28259644, //First Valid
                "gen" => "mainnet-v1.0", // GenesisID
                "gh" => "wGHE2Pwdvd7S12BL5FaOP20EGYesN73ktiC1qzkkit8=", //Genesis Hash
                "lv" => 28260644, //Last Valid
                "note" => "Testes 2", //You note
                "snd" => "3DKZLYQJXSUAE7ZCFZN7ODZSOA6733PI5BFM4L7WI4S3K6KEVOOA6KDN2I", //Sender
                "rcv" => "DI65FPLNUXOJJR47FDTIB5TNNIA5G4EZFA44RZMRBE7AA4D453OYD2JCW4", //Receiver
                "amt" => 203, //Amount

Group Transactions


#Assigns Group ID

Sign Transactions with Algokey

#Sign Transaction 1


#Sign Transaction 2


Sign Transactions with KMD

#Sign Transaction 1
   "transaction" => $algorand_transactions->encode($transactions[0]),
   "wallet_handle_token" => $wallet_handle_token,
   "wallet_password" => "tests",


#Sign Transaction 2
   "transaction" => $algorand_transactions->encode($transactions[1]),
   "wallet_handle_token" => $wallet_handle_token,
   "wallet_password" => "tests",

Send Transaction Group

#Broadcasts a raw atomic transaction to the network.
$algorand = new Algorand("algod","4820e6e45f339e0026eaa2b74c2aa7d8735cbcb2db0cf0444fb492892e1c09b7","localhost",53898);
echo "txId: $txId";

For more details: https://developer.algorand.org/docs/features/atomic_transfers/

For use the Indexer:

Start the SDK

$algorand_indexer = new Algorand("indexer","{algorand-indexer-token}","localhost",8089);

Get health, Returns 200 if healthy.


Search for accounts.

    //"application-id" => 0, //integer
    //"asset-id" => 0, //integer
    //"auth-addr" => "", //string
    //"currency-greater-than" => 0, //integer
    //"currency-less-than" => 0, //integer
    "limit" => 100, //integer
    //"next" => "", //string - previous return {next-token}
    //"round" => 0, //integer

Lookup account information.


Lookup account transactions.

    //"application-id" => 0, //integer
    "asset-id" => 0, //integer
    "after-time" => "", //string (date-time)
    "before-time" => "", //string (date-time)
    "currency-greater-than" => 0, //integer
    "currency-less-than" => 0, //integer
    "limit" => 100, //integer
    //"max-round" => 0, //integer
    //"min-round" => 0, //integer
    //"next" => "", //string - previous return {next-token}
    "note-prefix" => "", //string
    "rekey-to" => false, //boolean
    //"round" => "", //integer
    "sig-type" => "sig", //enum (sig, msig, lsig)
    "tx-type" => "pay", //enum (pay, keyreg, acfg, axfer, afrz, appl)
    "txid" => "", //string


Search for applications

    "application-id" => 0, //integer
    "limit" => 100, //integer
    //"next" => "", //string - previous return {next-token}

Lookup application.


Search for assets.

    //"asset-id" => 0, //integer
    //"creator" => 0, //integer
    "limit" => 100, //integer
    //"name" => "", //string
    //"next" => "", //string - previous return {next-token}
    //"unit" => "", //string

Lookup asset information.


Lookup the list of accounts who hold this asset

    //"currency-greater-than" => 0, //integer
    //"currency-less-than" => 0, //integer
    "limit" => 100, //integer
    //"next" => "", //string - previous return {next-token}
    //"round" => "", //integer

Lookup the list of accounts who hold this asset

    "address" => "", //string
    "address-role" => "", //enum (sender, receiver, freeze-target)
    "after-time" => "", //string (date-time)
    "before-time" => "", //string (date-time)
    "currency-greater-than" => 0, //integer
    //"currency-less-than" => 0 //integer
    "exclude-close-to" => false, //boolean
    "limit" => 100, //integer
    "max-round" => 0, //integer
    "min-round" => 0, //integer
    //"next" => "", //string - previous return {next-token}
    "note-prefix" => "", //string
    "rekey-to" => false, //boolean
    //"round" => "", //integer
    "sig-type" => "sig", //enum (sig, msig, lsig)
    "tx-type" => "pay", //enum (pay, keyreg, acfg, axfer, afrz, appl)
    "txid" => "", //string

Lookup block.


Search for transactions.

    "address" => "", //string
    "address-role" => "sender", //enum (sender, receiver, freeze-target)
    "after-time" => "", //string (date-time)
    "application-id" => 0, //integer
    "asset-id" => 0, //integer
    "before-time" => "", //string (date-time)
    "currency-greater-than" => 0, //integer
    "currency-less-than" => 0, //integer
    "exclude-close-to" => "false", //boolean
    "limit" => "100", //integer
    "min-round" => 2466647, //integer
    "max-round" => 2566647, //integer
    "next" => "", //string - previous return {next-token}
    "note-prefix" => "", //string
    "rekey-to" => false, //boolean
    //"round" => 2566247, //integer
    "sig-type" => "sig", //enum (sig, msig, lsig)
    "tx-type" => "pay", //enum (pay, keyreg, acfg, axfer, afrz, appl)
    "txid" => "", //string

Lookup a single transaction.


For more details: https://developer.algorand.org/docs/reference/rest-apis/indexer/

Print the results

Full response with debug (json response)


Only response array


Only erros messages array



To enable Debug


To enable SSL



php-algorand-sdk is licensed under a MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.


If you would like to donate to help maintain our online nodes, this and future projects, this is our ALGO (Algorand) Wallet: IYVZLDFIF6KUMSDFVIKHPBT3FI5QVZJKJ6BPFSGIJDUJGUUASKNRA4HUHU

Thank you!