

Candy Fantasy

Candy Fantasy is a theme for Oh My Zsh. It is a modification from the Candy Kingdom theme.

Candy Fantasy


You should have Oh My Zsh installed. For more details, see Oh My Zsh's repository.

After installing Oh My Zsh, running echo $ZSH should display the path to the .oh-my-zsh directory.

To add the theme, you could use wget or simply copy the file to the $ZSH/custom/themes directory.

mkdir -p $ZSH/custom/themes
cd $ZSH/custom/themes
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fffelix-huang/candy-fantasy/master/candy-fantasy.zsh-theme

Next, update the current theme in your ~/.zshrc file by setting ZSH_THEME="candy-fantasy".

To apply the changes, run source ~/.zshrc or restart your terminal.