


This is an example of implementation and my vision of practical CQRS, DDD, ADR, hexagonal architecture and directory structure. Project has entities Task and User. All UI is the REST endpoints.

What is done

To do

My assumptions

How to install the project

Some words about docker

In project is used workplace container for code manipulations, CI or building. It was created for preventing of pollution of working containers (php-fpm) of unused in request, building tools like nodejs, composer, dev libs and so on. Also was created a local user based on host machine user PUID PGID to resolve conflicts with file permissions.

make dev - jump into workplace container


make dev
//in container execute
make analyze


Used symfony messenger component to create transactional command bus, query bus and event bus. Query model represented by DTOs. Domain and Command layers are covered by unit tests.

├── Core (Core bounded context)
│   ├── Application
│   │   ├── Command
│   │   │   ├── AuthToken
│   │   │   ├── Task
│   │   │   └── User
│   │   ├── Query
│   │       └── Task
│   ├── Domain
│   │   └── Model
│   │       ├── Task
│   │       └── User
│   ├── Infrastructure
│   │   └── Repository
│   └── Ports
│       ├── Cli
│       └── Rest
└── Shared
    ├── Domain
    └── Infrastructure