


A slideshow software stack that is janky as hell, but also what I wanted to use. A work in progress.


Regular slideshow software is decent, but doesn't necessarily do what I want. The following features are often supported by many tools, but rarely all at once:

Also I wanted to try my hand at GUI programming, I've never done that before.

What does it look like?

All the content is put in a given directory where a single file with a .set extension is located.

=== defaults ===
// this section defines attributes that are defaults for all slides
text color: #ffffff
background: sloths.jpg
type: base
=== slides ===
// Now we start with actual slides. Each slide has two sections.
// This is the slide content for a 'base' slide:
title: This is one of the slides
subtitle: with a subtitle
// This is the presenter notes section
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam erat nisl,
rhoncus vel quam in, accumsan tincidunt leo. Vivamus condimentum congue
sagittis. Vestibulum eget orci placerat, suscipit ligula ut, ullamcorper dui.

title: Other slide
subtitle: Third subtitles
// specific attributes can be overridden
background: control.jpg
text color: #66FF66
Just say some things
- this is one
- this is another

title: Emojis!
subtitle: To the moon! 🌕
text color: #000000
Checking for Unicode support: 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦
This works hopefully

// for code slides, the 'source's extension specifies the highlight language
type: code
source: rebalance1.erl
source size: 32
title: Rebalance
This is part of the rebalancing of a treap

type: code
source: elixir.ex
source size: 32
title: Elixir
Elixir falls back to ruby as it has a similar syntax
and Wx doesn't have elixir

// image slides show just one big image
type: image
title: horizontal image
image: wind.jpg

The slideshow is started by calling the show.sh executable (see Build) within the directory calling this.

Here are some of the rendered slides:

Stuff that still sucks

Things I have not started figuring out (and may never do)

Things I can't be bothered with


$ rebar3 as prod release

And run with:

$ /path/to/slider/_build/prod/rel/slider/show.sh

I have an issue or suggestion

This is a toy project. Come have a chat.