


This repository is a starter/boilerplate web app intended for teams of under ~ 20 developers who want to pluck the main advantages of a microservices architecture for their project while trying to minimize its extra complexity and overhead. Webstack-micro is monolithic-friendly, you can use it with an existing web app built in Django/Laravel/Nest/Rails/etc.


I couldn't find a starter or demo offering anything near these goals so I'm cobbling something together. Webstack-micro is very new but it might give teams a nice jump start. Contributions are welcome.

demo homepage screenshot

See also: HackerNoon article covering its pros & cons.

What is it

Webstack-micro uses Docker Compose to assemble a handful of containerized services. Your application runs as 1-3 of these services, depending on how you want to structure your app. Your code interacts with the provided services, ones that are fairly common and popular to web apps, ideally requiring little configuration or modification. The services:

To make it easy to find example uses or to entirely replace a service, each uses a name that is two words long and is unique to this repository, such that you can find occurrences. A regular expression like: /backend[_-]?api/i would match BackendApi, backend-api, etc, and find all of its uses.

Each service above has its own README with instructions and suggestions.

Experimental Status!

This repo is an experimental side project. Most is untested and it has never been used in production. I decided to share this early draft because teams might still find it useful to look at as an example.

I'll put more time into it if other people end up contributing. If so, we might publish the general/reusable services as versioned, maintained containers.

Example app

The example demonstrates using background-push and (mostly for fun) a realtime slidecast.

The example is NOT my ideal tech stack. I just tried to pick popular libraries that also have a light footprint.

You'll almost certainly want to remove or replace frontend-web, backend-api, and background-worker. Portions are worth examining first--mainly how each service interacts with the others. Each README mentions what's worth a look.

If you think your Dockerfile or setup is something others might also like, consider sharing your notes as a guide in this repository.

Development Mode


Docker Cheat Sheet

The bin/dev.sh script is a very short shell script--it is just a passthrough to the official Docker Compose binary, setting the "-f" options for you, telling it to run with the settings defined in both docker-compose.common.yml and docker-compose.development.yml.


First, the development environment is not at all secure, don't deploy it to even a demo server. In dev mode, most services accept trusted requests (where you can include the service's port to reach it directly), bypassing authentication and all routing/networking restrictions--convenient for troubleshooting in dev mode but fantastically insecure.

The setup for demo mode secures the outer perimeter, where all requests go through traefik-gateway. However, it permits internal services to directly contact other internal services on the inner network. Should one service be compromised, the bad guys would be able to make requests disguised as an authenticated user, connect to databases, etc.

To further harden your app:

See also the security notes in individual services' README files, particularly: passportjs-auth; rabbitmq-broker; redis-main.