

Geo-Supervised Visual Depth Prediction

Xiaohan Fei, Alex Wong, and Stefano Soatto

UCLA Vision Lab

The paper has won the Best Paper Award in Robot Vision at ICRA 2019.

If you find the paper or the code in this repo useful, please cite the following paper:

  author    = {Fei, X. and Wong, A. and Soatto, S.},
  title     = {Geo-Supervised Visual Depth Prediction},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},
  year      = {2019},
  month     = {May}

Related materials:

VISMA2 dataset

The VISMA2 dataset contains raw monocular video streams of VGA size (640x480) @ 30 Hz, inertial measurements @ 400 Hz, and depth streams of VGA size @ 30 Hz stored in rosbags.

In addition to the raw data streams, we also provide the camera trajectory estimated by the visual-inertial odometry (VIO) system developed at our lab. The time-stamped camera poses and the camera-to-body alginment will be used to bring gravity from the spatial frame to the camera frame in the experiments. The trajectories are stored in binary protbufs defined by custom protocols.

To prepare the training data, you need to

  1. construct image triplets,
  2. compute the transformation to bring gravity to the camera frame, and
  3. extract the depth image for validation/testing, and optionally
  4. * compute segmentation masks to apply our regularizer selectively
  5. * at training time, if you want to replace the auxiliary pose network with the pose estimated by VIO, you need to compute the relative camera poses from the trajectories.

* While steps 1 - 3 are needed for training a depth predictor on monocular videos for most methods, steps 4 & 5 marked with an asterisk are specializaed to our proposed training pipeline.

We provide a script to do so, which requires extra dependencies. If you plan to parse the raw data yourself, please check the "Data preparation" section below on how to use the script.

You can also skip the data preparation step and try out a preprocessed subset of VISMA2 too. See the instructions below on how to train on the preprocessed data.

Train on preprocessed data

A preprocessed subset of VISMA2 can be found here. Follow the instructions below to use it.

  1. Download the tar ball and unzip it into your directory of choice, say /home/feixh/Data/copyrooms. And set the environment variable export EXAMPLEPATH=/home/feixh/Data/copyrooms. (Note in your data folder, you should see copyroom1, copyroom2, train.txt, etc.)

  2. In your terminal, go to GeoSup/GeoNet sub-directory, and execute the following command. Note you should replace example_checkpoints with directory of your choice to store checkpoints.

python geonet_main.py \
  --mode train_rigid \
  --dataset_dir $EXAMPLEPATH \
  --checkpoint_dir example_checkpoints \
  --learning_rate 1e-4 \
  --seq_length 3 \
  --batch_size 4 \
  --max_steps 80000 \
  --summary_freq 20 \
  --disp_smooth_weight 1.0 \
  --dispnet_encoder vgg \
  --img_height 240 \
  --img_width 320 \
  --datatype void \
  --validation_dir $EXAMPLEPATH \
  --validation_freq 2000 \
  --use_slam_pose \
  --use_sigl \
  --sigl_loss_weight 0.5

For the meaning of each of the arguments, see how they are defined at the top of geonet_main.py. Here, we clarify some of the most interesting ones:

Note, the code is built on top of the GeoNet model of Yin et al. which jointly estimates depth and flow, but we only use it for depth prediction, the flow network is not used and maintained here.

Data preparation

Install ROS

To prepare the training data yourself, you need to install the Robot Operating System (ROS) to parse rosbags. Follow instructions on the website to install ROS.

Download data

Once you have ROS properly installed. Download the VISMA2 dataset from here, and unzip it into your folder of choice, say, /home/feixh/Data/VISMA2. For convenience, let's set the environment variable

export VISMA2PATH=/home/feixh/Data/VISMA2

The VISMA2 folder should contain a list of subfolders, each of which is named after the place where the data is recorded, e.g., classroom0, copyroom1, and stairs3, etc. In each subfolder, there is a raw.bag file containing the raw recorded data, and a dataset file containing the trajectory and other meta information dumped by our VIO system. There are also two dataset files, namely, dataset_500 and dataset_1500, which are from different runs of the VIO, and can be ignored for now.

Parse the raw data

In terminal, first set the environment variable VISMA2OUTPATH pointing to the output directory where the parsed dataset should be kept. For instance

export VISMA2OUTPATH=/home/feixh/Data/visma2_parsed

then parse the dataset:

python setup/setup_dataset_visma2.py \
  --recording-dir $VISMA2PATH \
  --output-root  $VISMA2OUTPATH \
  --temporal-interval 5 \
  --spatial-interval 0.01

The meaning of the arguments is quite straightforward, and more detailed documentation can be found in the setup/setup_dataset_visma2.py script.

After running this script, in the folder $VISMA2OUTPATH, you will see five subfolders, namely, copyroom0~copyroom4. In each subfolder, you will find the follows:

  1. K.npy as the camera intrinsics
  2. rgb folder, which contains a list of image triplets concatenated horizontally. The center image is called the "reference" image. Each file is named after the timestamp of the reference image.
  3. depth folder, which contains a list of depth images in .npy format. Each depth image corresponds to the reference image in the triplet which has the same filename.
  4. pose folder, which contains the relative camera pose between the other two images in the triplet and the reference, and the rotation to bring gravity to the camera frame of the reference. Each pose file is stored in .pkl format, and has the timestamp of the reference image as the filename.

To parse the sequences of your interests, you can add them to the sequences varialbe at the top of the setup_dataset_visma2.py script. For now, as you might have noticed, only copyroom0~copyroom4 are added to the variable.

Prepare the segmentation masks

Once you have parsed the raw data and successfully extracted the image triplets, you can run your favoriate semantic segmentation system to obtain segmentation masks, which will be used to regularize depth predictions selectively in training.

We give an example on how to use PSP-Net to segment the "copyrooms" subset of VISMA2, which we just parsed. We assume the environment variable $VISMA2OUTPATH has been set properly in the previous step.

  1. First, download the trained model from here. You can also follow the README in GeoSup/PSPNet to get the trained model provided by the authors of PSPNet.
  2. Unzip the tarball into GeoSup/PSPNet/model directory. Make sure the path of your checkpoint relative to your project directory looks like this: GeoSup/PSPNet/model/ade20k_model/pspnet50/modep.ckpt-0.data for the model trained on ADE20K indoor dataset, and GeoSup/PSPNet/model/cityscapes_model/pspnet101/model.ckpt-0.data. Otherwise, the weights cannot be found with the default setting. You can use a different path, but then you need to specify the path properly when you run the script below.
  3. In your terminal, go to GeoSup/PSPNet, and execute the following command:
python inference_visma2.py --dataset ade20k --dataroot $VISMA2OUTPATH

After executing this command, in each "copyroom" folder, you will find an extra segmentation folder along with the depth, pose and rgb folders which you obtained in the last step. The segmentation folder contains a list of segmentation masks in .npy format named after the timestamp of the image being segmented.

Split the data

Once you have all the data ready, you can train the model. But before doing that, you need to generate train/test/val splits and saved them as txt files. See the text files (used for the copyroom example) in GeoSup/GeoNet/data/void as an template, and the GeoSup/GeoNet/visma_dataloader.py script on how the dataloader interacts with the file lists.

Visualize depth prediction

We also provide the depth prediction of the copyroom subset -- both from the baseline and ours, and a script to show a head-to-head comparison. The prediction of the baseline GeoNet model and GeoNet+SIGL (ours) can be found here. Note, in training both models, we use the pose estimated by the VIO instead of the pose network, i.e., the use_slam_pose option is on during training these models.

  1. Download the prediction, and unzip the tarball into the directory of your choice, say, /home/feixh/Data/prediction. For convenience, point an env variable $PREDPATH to it.
  2. In GeoSup/visualization/visualize_visma2.py, change project_dir to your project root directory, and point validation_dir to where you keep the parsed dataset.
  3. Now, go to GeoSup/visualization and
python visualize_visma2.py $PREDPATH/GeoNet_depth.npy $PREDPATH/GeoNet_SIGL_depth.npy

If everything works properly, you will see a figure showing the input RGB image, the ground-truth depth, the prediction from both the baseline and ours, and the associated error maps.


[1] GeoNet: https://github.com/yzcjtr/GeoNet

[2] PSPNet: https://github.com/hellochick/PSPNet-tensorflow