A Solidity parser built on top of a robust ANTLR4 grammar.
import parser from 'solidity-parser-antlr';
var input = `
contract test {
uint256 a;
function f() {}
try {
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof parser.ParserError) {
The parse
method also accepts a second argument which lets you specify the
following options, in a style similar to the esprima API:
Key | Type | Default | Description |
tolerant | Boolean | false | When set to true it will collect syntax errors and place them in a list under the key errors inside the root node of the returned AST. Otherwise, it will raise a parser.ParserError . |
loc | Boolean | false | When set to true , it will add location information to each node, with start and stop keys that contain the corresponding line and column numbers. Column numbers start from 0, lines start from 1. |
range | Boolean | false | When set to true , it will add range information to each node, which consists of a two-element array with start and stop character indexes in the input. |
Example with location information
parser.parse('contract test { uint a; }', { loc: true })
// { type: 'SourceUnit',
// children:
// [ { type: 'ContractDefinition',
// name: 'test',
// baseContracts: [],
// subNodes: [Array],
// kind: 'contract',
// loc: [Object] } ],
// loc: { start: { line: 1, column: 0 }, end: { line: 1, column: 24 } } }
Example using a visitor to walk over the AST
var ast = parser.parse('contract test { uint a; }')
// output the path of each import found
parser.visit(ast, {
ImportDirective: function(node) {
Federico Bond (@federicobond)