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Feathers service adapter for Cassandra DB based on Express-Cassandra ORM and CassanKnex query builder


npm install --save feathers-cassandra
npm install --save express-cassandra
npm install --save cassanknex

Feathers CLI

Use feathers generate service command to generate a new Cassandra service.


Please refer to the Feathers database adapter documentation for more details or directly at:

Refer to the official Express-Cassanndra documention.

It works like the Knex service adapter by using CassanKnex, except it has all the benefits of the Express-Cassandra ORM.

Service Options

Default Query Operators

Starting at version 2.0.0 feathers-cassandra converts queries securely. If you want to support additional Cassandra operators, the whitelist service option can contain an array of additional allowed operators. By default, supported operators are:


Supported Operators

Query Operators
OperatorNative OperatorDescriptionExample
$ne!=Applicable for IF conditions onlyid: { $ne: 1 }
$isntIS NOTApplicable for materialized view filters onlyid: { $isnt: 1 }
$gt>Greater thanid: { $ne: 1 }
$lt<Lower thanid: { $lt: 1 }
$gte>=Greater than or equalid: { $gte: 1 }
$lte<=Lower than or equalid: { $lte: 1 }
$inINEqual to item in listid: { $in: [1, 2] }
$likeLIKEApplicable for SASI indexes onlytext: { $like: '%abc%' }
$sortORDER BYSort resultsASC: $sort: { id: 1 } DESC: $sort: { id: -1 }
$limitLIMITSets the maximum number of rows that the query returns$limit: 2
$selectSELECTSets fields to return. you can also select a field with applied Cassandra function: writetime, ttl, dateOf, unixTimestampOf, toDate, toTimestamp & toUnixTimestamp$select: ['id', 'name', 'writetime(name)', 'dateOf(name)']
Cassandra Query Operators
OperatorNative OperatorDescriptionExample
$tokenTOKENToken query on primary keys. can be used for paginationSingle key: $token: { id: { $gt: 1 } } Multiple keys: $token: { $keys: ['id', 'time'], $condition: { $gt: [1, 2] } }
$minTimeuuidminTimeuuidQuery on timeuuid column given a time component. read more$minTimeuuid: { timeuuid: { $lt: '2013-02-02 10:00+0000' } }
$maxTimeuuidmaxTimeuuidQuery on timeuuid column given a time component. read more$maxTimeuuid: { timeuuid: { $gt: '2013-01-01 00:05+0000' } }
$containsCONTAINSSearch in indexed list, set or mapcolors: { $contains: 'blue' }
$containsKeyCONTAINS KEYSearch in indexed mapcolors: { $containsKey: 'dark' }
$ifIFCondition that must return TRUE for the update to succeed. Will be used automatically when an update, patch or remove request query by id with additional query conditions$if: { name: 'John' }
$ifExistsIF EXISTSMake the UPDATE fail when rows don't match the WHERE conditions$ifExists: true
$ifNotExistsIF NOT EXISTSInserts a new row of data if no rows match the PRIMARY KEY values$ifNotExists: true
$allowFilteringALLOW FILTERINGProvides the capability to query the clustering columns using any condition$allowFiltering: true
$limitPerPartitionPER PARTITION LIMITSets the maximum number of rows that the query returns from each partition$limitPerPartition: 1
$ttlUSING TTLSets a time in seconds for data in a column to expire. use in create, update & patch requests$ttl: 60
$timestampUSING TIMESTAMPSets a timestamp for data in a column to expire. use in create, update & patch requests$timestamp: 1537017312928000
Special Query Operators
OperatorNative OperatorDescriptionExample
$noSelectSkips SELECT queries in create, update, patch & remove requests. Response data will be based on the input data$noSelect: true
$batchBatch create queries. Response data will be based on the input data$batch: true
$filtersSets Model's CassanKnex filters to run on a get or find request$filters: ['completed', 'recent']
Cassandra Data Operators
OperatorNative OperatorDescriptionExample
$add+Adds to a list, set or mapList/Set: colors: { $add: ['blue', 'red'] } Map: colors: { $add: { dark: 'blue', bright: 'red' } }
$remove-Removes from a list, set or mapList/Set: colors: { $remove: ['blue', 'red'] } Map: colors: { $remove: ['dark', 'bright'] }
$increment+Increments a counterdays: { $increment: 2 }
$decrement-Decrements a counterdays: { $decrement: 2 }

Passing Cassandra queryOptions

Set params.queryOptions to override options per query, like setting a different consistency level for a single query.

Materialized Views

A materialized view will be automatically queried against when a query contains only that view's keys.

Model Hooks

Works like Express-Cassandra Hook Functions, but arguments will contain Feathers-Cassandra equivalent objects - data, query, query operators as options & id.

Model CassanKnex Filters

Filter functions that call CassanKnex methods on the query builder object before execution.

Filter functions runs in get & find requests when specified in the query.$filters array.


Set Cassandra init options as defined in Cassandra & Express-Cassandra:


  "cassandra": {
    "clientOptions": {
      "contactPoints": [
      "protocolOptions": {
        "port": 9042
      "keyspace": "test",
      "queryOptions": {
        "consistency": 1
    "ormOptions": {
      "defaultReplicationStrategy": {
       "class": "SimpleStrategy",
       "replication_factor": 1
      "migration": "alter",
      "createKeyspace": true


const ExpressCassandra = require('express-cassandra')
const FeathersCassandra = require('feathers-cassandra')

module.exports = function (app) {
  const connectionInfo = app.get('cassandra')
  const models = ExpressCassandra.createClient(connectionInfo)
  const cassandraClient = models.orm.get_system_client()

  app.set('models', models)

  cassandraClient.connect(err => {
    if (err) throw err

    const cassanknex = require('cassanknex')({ connection: cassandraClient })


    cassanknex.on('ready', err => {
      if (err) throw err


Define Express-Cassandra Models for your tables:


module.exports = function (app) {
  const models = app.get('models')
  const Todo = models.loadSchema('Todo', {
    table_name: 'todo',
    fields: {
      id: 'int',
      text: {
        type: 'text',
        rule: {
          required: true,
          validators: [
              validator: function (value) { return value !== 'forbidden' },
              message: '`forbidden` is a reserved word'
      complete: 'boolean',
      teams: {
        type: 'map',
        typeDef: '<text, text>'
      games: {
        type: 'list',
        typeDef: '<text>'
      winners: {
        type: 'set',
        typeDef: '<text>'
    key: ['id'],
    custom_indexes: [
        on: 'text',
        using: 'org.apache.cassandra.index.sasi.SASIIndex',
        options: {}
        on: 'complete',
        using: 'org.apache.cassandra.index.sasi.SASIIndex',
        options: {}
    options: {
      // timestamps: true
      timestamps: {
        createdAt: 'created_at', // defaults to createdAt
        updatedAt: 'updated_at' // defaults to updatedAt
      // versions: true
      versions: {
        key: '_version' // defaults to __v
    filters: {
      completed: builder => {
        builder.where('complete', '=', true)
    before_save: function (instance, options) {
      instance.complete = false
      return true
    after_save: function (instance, options) {
      return true
    before_update: function (queryObject, updateValues, options, id) {
      updateValues.complete = true
      return true
    after_update: function (queryObject, updateValues, options, id) {
      return true
    before_delete: function (queryObject, options, id) {
      return true
    after_delete: function (queryObject, options, id) {
      return true
  }, function (err) {
    if (err) throw err

  Todo.syncDB(function (err) {
    if (err) throw err

  return Todo

When defining a service, you must provide the model:

app.use('/todos', service({
  model: Todo



const createService = require('feathers-cassandra')
const createModel = require('./todos.model')

module.exports = function (app) {
  const Model = createModel(app)

  const options = {
    model: Model,
    paginate: {
      default: 2,
      max: 4
    whitelist: ['$allowFiltering', '$filters', '$ttl', '$if']

  app.use('/todos', createService(options))

Composite primary keys

Composite primary keys can be passed as the id argument using the following methods:

When calling a service method with the id argument, all primary keys are required to be passed.


app.use('/user-todos', service({
  idSeparator: ','

app.service('/user-todos').get([1, 2])
app.service('/user-todos').get({ userId: 1, todoId: 2 })
app.use('/players', service({
  materializedViews: [
      view: 'top_season_players',
      keys: [

Complete Example

Here's a complete example of a Feathers server with a todos Feathers-Cassandra service:

const feathers = require('@feathersjs/feathers')
const express = require('@feathersjs/express')
const rest = require('@feathersjs/express/rest')
const errorHandler = require('@feathersjs/express/errors')
const bodyParser = require('body-parser')
const ExpressCassandra = require('express-cassandra')
const FeathersCassandra = require('feathers-cassandra')

// Initialize Express-Cassandra
const models = ExpressCassandra.createClient({
  clientOptions: {
    contactPoints: [''],
    localDataCenter: 'datacenter1',
    protocolOptions: { port: 9042 },
    keyspace: 'test',
    queryOptions: { consistency: ExpressCassandra.consistencies.one }
  ormOptions: {
    defaultReplicationStrategy: {
      class: 'SimpleStrategy',
      replication_factor: 1
    migration: 'alter',
    createKeyspace: true

// Get Cassandra client
const cassandraClient = models.orm.get_system_client()

// Connect to Cassandra
cassandraClient.connect(err => {
  if (err) throw err

  // Initialize CassanKnex with the current Cassandra connection
  const cassanknex = require('cassanknex')({ connection: cassandraClient })

  // Bind CassanKnex

  cassanknex.on('ready', err => {
    if (err) throw err

// Create a feathers instance.
const app = express(feathers())
  // Enable REST services
  // Turn on JSON parser for REST services
  // Turn on URL-encoded parser for REST services
  .use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }))

app.set('models', models)

// Create an Express-Cassandra Model
const Todo = models.loadSchema('Todo', {
  table_name: 'todo',
  fields: {
    id: 'int',
    text: {
      type: 'text',
      rule: {
        required: true,
        validators: [
            validator: function (value) { return value !== 'forbidden' },
            message: '`forbidden` is a reserved word'
    complete: 'boolean',
    teams: {
      type: 'map',
      typeDef: '<text, text>'
    games: {
      type: 'list',
      typeDef: '<text>'
    winners: {
      type: 'set',
      typeDef: '<text>'
  key: ['id'],
  custom_indexes: [
      on: 'text',
      using: 'org.apache.cassandra.index.sasi.SASIIndex',
      options: {}
      on: 'complete',
      using: 'org.apache.cassandra.index.sasi.SASIIndex',
      options: {}
  options: {
    timestamps: {
      createdAt: 'created_at', // defaults to createdAt
      updatedAt: 'updated_at' // defaults to updatedAt
    versions: {
      key: '_version' // defaults to __v
  filters: {
    completed: builder => {
      builder.where('complete', '=', true) // CassanKnex filter
  before_save: function (instance, options) {
    instance.complete = false
    return true
  after_save: function (instance, options) {
    return true
  before_update: function (queryObject, updateValues, options, id) {
    updateValues.complete = true
    return true
  after_update: function (queryObject, updateValues, options, id) {
    return true
  before_delete: function (queryObject, options, id) {
    return true
  after_delete: function (queryObject, options, id) {
    return true
}, function (err) {
  if (err) throw err

Todo.syncDB(function (err) {
  if (err) throw err

// Create Cassandra Feathers service with a default page size of 2 items
// and a maximum size of 4
app.use('/todos', FeathersCassandra({
  model: Todo,
  paginate: {
    default: 2,
    max: 4

// Handle Errors

// Start the server
module.exports = app.listen(3030)

console.log('Feathers Todo FeathersCassandra service running on')

Run the example with node app and go to localhost:3030/todos.

You should see an empty array. That's because you don't have any Todos yet, but you now have full CRUD for your new todos service!

DB migrations

Knex Migration CLI can also be used to manage DB migrations and to seed a table with mock data:

Change config.cassandra.ormOptions.migration to 'safe'.

Create cassanknex.js file:

const ExpressCassandra = require('express-cassandra');
const config = require('config');
let cassanknex = null;

const getCassanknex = async () => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    if (cassanknex) {


    const connectionInfo = config.cassandra;

    if (connectionInfo.clientOptions.queryOptions.consistency)
      connectionInfo.clientOptions.queryOptions.consistency = ExpressCassandra.consistencies[connectionInfo.clientOptions.queryOptions.consistency];

    connectionInfo.connection = connectionInfo.clientOptions;

    try {
      cassanknex = require('cassanknex')(connectionInfo);

      cassanknex.on('ready', function (err) {
        if (err) {


    } catch (err) {

module.exports = {

Use it inside a Knex migration file:

const { getCassanknex } = require('../cassanknex');

exports.up = () => {
  return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
    const cassanknex = await getCassanknex();

      .exec((err, result) => {
        if (err) {



exports.down = () => {
  return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
    const cassanknex = await getCassanknex();

      .exec((err, result) => {
        if (err) {



Error handling

As of version 3.4.0, feathers-cassandra only throws Feathers Errors with the message.
On the server, the original error can be retrieved through a secure symbol via error[require('feathers-cassandra').ERROR].

const { ERROR } = require('feathers-cassandra');

try {
  await cassandraService.doSomething();
} catch (error) {
  // error is a FeathersError with just the message
  // Safely retrieve the original error
  const originalError = error[ERROR];

Migrating to feathers-cassandra v2

feathers-cassandra 2.0.0 comes with important security and usability updates.

Important: For general migration information to the new database adapter functionality see docs.feathersjs.com/guides/migrating.html#database-adapters.

The following breaking changes have been introduced:


Copyright © 2020

Licensed under the MIT license.