


A rofi frontend for Bitwarden

Based on the alternative Bitwarden CLI rbw and inspired by rofi-pass, rbw-rofi is a simplistic password typer/copier using rofi and wofi.

Screenshot of rofi-rbw Screenshot of a rofi-rbw entry menu



First, you need to configure rbw. See its documentation for that. Then, you can start rofi-rbw. It is not available as a rofi mode.


You can configure rofi-rbw either with cli arguments or with a config file called $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/rofi-rbw.rc. In the file, use the long option names without double dashes.


long optionshort optionpossible valuesdescription
--action-atype (default), copy, printChoose what rofi-rbw should do.
--target-tusername, password, notes, totp (or any custom field)Choose which components of the selected entry are interesting. Can be passed multiple times to type/copy/print several components. Default is username and password.
--prompt-rany stringDefine the text of the prompt.
--keybindingsDefine custom keybindings in the format <shortcut>:<action>:<target>, for example Alt+x:copy:username. Multiple keybindings can be concatenated with ,; multiple targets for one shortcut can be concatenated with :. Note that wofi doesn't support keybindings.
--menu-keybindingsDefine custom keybindings for the target menu in the format <shortcut>:<action>, similar to --keybindings. Note that wofi doesn't support keybindings.
--no-cacheDisable the automatic frecency cache. It contains sha1-hashes of the selected entries and how often they were used.
--clear-afterinteger number >= 0 (default is 0)Limit the duration in seconds passwords stay in your clipboard (unless overwritten). When set to 0, passwords will be kept indefinitely.
--typing-key-delaydelay in millisecondsSet a delay between key presses when typing. 0 by default, but that may result in problems.
--no-helpDon't show the help message about the available shortcuts.
--no-folderDon't show the entry's folder in the list.
--selector-argsDefine arguments that will be passed through to rofi or wofi.<br/>Please note that you need to specify it as --selector-args="<args>" or --selector-args " <args>" because of a bug in argparse
--selectorrofi, wofiShow the selection dialog with this application. Chosen automatically by default.
--clipboarderxsel, xclip, wl-copyAccess the clipboard with this application. Chosen automatically by default.
--typerxdotool, wtype, ydotool, dotoolType the characters using this application. Chosen automatically by default.


By default, Alt+1 will type username and password, separated with a tab character. However, you can change this behavior by defining your own keybinding (if your selector supports this). For example, Alt+1:type:username:enter:delay:password:enter will type the username, enter, wait for a second and then type the password and enter again.

This sequence can also be defined as a field _autotype on each credential.


From distribution repositories

Packaging status

From PyPI

rofi-rbw is on PyPI. You can install it with pip install --user rofi-rbw (or sudo pip install rofi-rbw).


Download the wheel file from releases and install it with sudo pip install $filename (or you can use pip install --user $filename to only install it for the local user). Note that it needs configargparse to work.


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