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Fcitx5 macOS
Fcitx5 input method framework ported to macOS.
Public beta: please download installer.
Native build on Intel and Apple Silicon is supported.
This is NOT an Xcode project, but Xcode is needed for Swift compiler.
Install dependencies
You may use nvm to install node, then
sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/
brew install cmake ninja extra-cmake-modules gettext librsvg
npm i -g pnpm
pnpm --prefix=fcitx5-webview i
Build with CMake
cmake -B build -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
cmake --build build
sudo cmake --install build
After the first time you execute cmake --install
, you need to logout and login,
then add Fcitx5 in System Setttings -> Keyboard -> Input Sources, Chinese Simplified.
For installations afterwards, clicking Restart
in Fcitx5 menu suffices.
You can also use Cmd+Shift+B
in VSCode to execute a task.
Code sign
Some features (e.g. notifications, core dump) require the app bundle be code-signed after installation:
- Check
Include Info Messages
andInclude Debug Messages
menu. - Put
contains all log in,
plus those written to stderr by engines, e.g. rime.
SSH into the mac from another device, then
$ /usr/bin/lldb
(lldb) process attach --name Fcitx5
Core dump
sudo chmod 1777 /cores
sudo sysctl kern.coredump=1
ulimit -c unlimited # only works for current shell
pkill Fcitx5; /Library/Input\ Methods/
When Fcitx5 crashes, it creates a ~10GB core file under /cores
/usr/bin/lldb -c /cores/core.XXXX
(lldb) bt
Fcitx5 only packages keyboard engine. To install other engines or tables, use the built-in Plugin Manager.
Swift sources
To update .strings files for each supported locale, run
cmake --build build --target GenerateStrings
This will, e.g., update assets/zh-Hans/Localizable.strings, and then the translator can work on it.
C++ sources
First, create assets/po/base.pot file:
cmake --build build --target pot
To add a new language, do
cd assets/po && msginit
and then add this locale to assets/CMakeLists.txt.
Then, use a PO file editor to translate strings.
Finally, to merge new strings into PO files, do
cd assets/po && msgmerge -U <locale>.po base.pot
- fcitx5: LGPL-2.1-or-later
- fcitx5-android: LGPL-2.1-or-later
- squirrel: GPL-3.0-only
- swift-cmake-examples: Apache-2.0
- SwiftyJSON: MIT
- AlertToast: MIT
- pugixml: MIT
- webview: MIT