

Stable Diffusion in Docker

Run the official Stable Diffusion releases on Huggingface in a GPU accelerated Docker container.

./build.sh run 'An impressionist painting of a parakeet eating spaghetti in the desert'

An impressionist painting of a parakeet eating spaghetti in the desert 1 An impressionist painting of a parakeet eating spaghetti in the desert 2

./build.sh run --image parakeet_eating_spaghetti.png --strength 0.6 'Bouquet of roses'

Bouquet of roses 1 Bouquet of roses 2

Before you start

Minimum requirements

By default, the pipeline uses the full model and weights which requires a CUDA capable GPU with 8GB+ of VRAM. It should take a few seconds to create one image. On less powerful GPUs you may need to modify some of the options; see the Examples section for more details. If you lack a suitable GPU you can set the options --device cpu and --onnx instead.

Huggingface token

Since it uses the official model, you will need to create a user access token in your Huggingface account. Save the user access token in a file called token.txt and make sure it is available when building the container. The token content should begin with hf_...


The pipeline is managed using a single build.sh script.

Pull the latest version of stable-diffusion-docker using ./build.sh pull. You will need to use the option --token to specify a valid user access token when using ./build run.

Alternately, build the image locally before running it.


Make sure your user access token is saved in a file called token.txt.

To build:

./build.sh build  # or just ./build.sh


Text-to-Image (txt2img)

Create an image from a text prompt.

To run:

./build.sh run 'Andromeda galaxy in a bottle'

Image-to-Image (img2img)

Create an image from an existing image and a text prompt.

First, copy an image to the input folder. Next, to run:

./build.sh run --image image.png 'Andromeda galaxy in a bottle'

Depth-Guided Diffusion (depth2img)

Modify an existing image with its depth map and a text prompt.

First, copy an image to the input folder. Next, to run:

./build.sh run --model 'stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-depth' \
  --image image.png 'A detailed description of the objects to change'

Instruct Pix2Pix (pix2pix)

Modify an existing image with a text prompt.

First, copy an image to the input folder. Next, to run:

./build.sh run --model 'timbrooks/instruct-pix2pix' \
  --image image.png 'A detailed description of the objects to change'

Stable UnCLIP Variations (unclip)

Create different versions of an image with a text prompt.

First, copy an image to the input folder. Next, to run:

./build.sh run --model 'stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-1-unclip-small' \
  --image image.png 'A detailed description of the image'

Image Upscaling (upscale4x)

Create a high resolution image from an existing image with a text prompt.

First, copy an image to the input folder. Next, to run:

./build.sh run --model 'stabilityai/stable-diffusion-x4-upscaler' \
  --image image.png 'Andromeda galaxy in a bottle'

Diffusion Inpainting (inpaint)

Modify specific areas of an existing image with an image mask and a text prompt.

First, copy an image and an image mask to the input folder. White areas of the mask will be diffused and black areas will be kept untouched. Next, to run:

./build.sh run --model 'runwayml/stable-diffusion-inpainting' \
  --image image.png --mask mask.png 'Andromeda galaxy in a bottle'


The following are the most common options:

Other options:

Some of the original txt2img.py options have been renamed for easy-of-use and compatibility with other pipelines:



These commands are both identical:

./build.sh run 'abstract art'
./build.sh run --prompt 'abstract art'

Set the seed to 42:

./build.sh run --seed 42 'abstract art'

Options can be combined:

./build.sh run --scale 7.0 --seed 42 'abstract art'

Many popular models are supported out-of-the-box:

Model NameOption using --model
Stable Diffusion 1.4'CompVis/stable-diffusion-v1-4'
Stable Diffusion 1.5'runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5'
Stable Diffusion 2.0'stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2'
Stable Diffusion 2.1'stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-1'
Stable Diffusion XL'stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0'
OpenJourney 1.0'prompthero/openjourney'
Dreamlike Diffusion 1.0'dreamlike-art/dreamlike-diffusion-1.0'
and more!...
./build.sh run --model 'prompthero/openjourney' --prompt 'abstract art'

On systems without enough GPU VRAM, you can try mixing and matching options:

./build.sh run --height 256 --width 256 --half \
  --attention-slicing --xformers-memory-efficient-attention \
  --samples 1 --iters 1 --skip --prompt 'abstract art'

On Windows, if you aren't using WSL2 and instead use MSYS, MinGW, or Git Bash, prefix your commands with MSYS_NO_PATHCONV=1 (or export it beforehand):

MSYS_NO_PATHCONV=1 ./build.sh run --half --prompt 'abstract art'



The model and other files are cached in a volume called huggingface. The models are stored in <volume>/diffusers/<model>/snapshots/<githash>/unet/<weights>. Checkpoint files (ckpts) are unofficial versions of the official models, and so these are not part of the official release.


The images are saved as PNGs in the output folder using the prompt text. The build.sh script creates and mounts this folder as a volume in the container.


See the CONTRIBUTING.md file for more details. In short, follow the style guidelines, agree to the Developer Certificate of Origin, and submit a PR.