


a fast and platform independent readability port


This is a port of the algorithm used by the Readability bookmarklet to extract relevant pieces of information from websites, using a SAX parser.

The advantage over other ports, e.g. arrix/node-readability, is a smaller memory footprint and a much faster execution. In my tests, most pages, even large ones, were finished within 15ms (on node, see below for more information). It works with Rhino, so it runs on YQL, which may have interesting uses. And it works within a browser.

The Readability extraction algorithm was completely ported, but some adjustments were made:

How To

Install readabilitySAX

npm install readabilitySAX

A command line interface (CLI) may be installed via

npm install -g readabilitySAX

It's then available via

readability <domain> [<format>]

To get this readme, just run

readability https://github.com/FB55/readabilitySAX

The format is optional (it's either text or html, the default value is text).



Just run require("readabilitySAX"). You'll get an object containing three methods:

There are two methods available that are deprecated and will be removed in a future version:

Please don't use those two methods anymore. Streams are the way you should build interfaces in node, and that's what I want encourage people to use.


I started to implement simplified SAX-"parsers" for Rhino/YQL (using E4X) and the browser (using the DOM) to increase the overall performance on those platforms. The DOM version is inside the /browsers dir.

A demo of how to use readabilitySAX inside a browser may be found at jsFiddle. Some basic example files are inside the /browsers directory.


A table using E4X-based events is available as the community table redabilitySAX, as well as here.

Parsers (on node)

Most SAX parsers (as sax.js) fail when a document is malformed XML, even if it's correct HTML. readabilitySAX should be used with htmlparser2, my fork of the htmlparser-module (used by eg. jsdom), which corrects most faults. It's listed as a dependency, so npm should install it with readabilitySAX.



Using a package of 724 pages from CleanEval (their website seems to be down, try to google it), readabilitySAX processed all of them in 5768 ms, that's an average of 7.97 ms per page.

The benchmark was done using tests/benchmark.js on a MacBook (late 2010) and is probably far from perfect.

Performance is the main goal of this project. The current speed should be good enough to run readabilitySAX on a singe-threaded web server with an average number of requests. That's an accomplishment!


The main goal of CleanEval is to evaluate the accuracy of an algorithm.

