

This Project is closed and not maintained anymore. I don't find any value in creating a Vim distribution any more. I believe using Vim with plugins and settings for your own need is much more scalable and better in long term. I will occasionally push changes when I have time but don't expect any maintenance or future contributions. Thanks everyone for using and supporting this project, feel free to fork and use it on your own.

     _______. __    __  .______   ____    ____  __  .___  ___. 
    /       ||  |  |  | |   _  \  \   \  /   / |  | |   \/   | 
   |   (----`|  |  |  | |  |_)  |  \   \/   /  |  | |  \  /  | 
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|_______/     \______/  |______/      \__/     |__| |__|  |__| 

Customized to be awesome by default. It is improved to be used on Mac OS X and MacVim. (note: Linux version is on the todo list, I'll work on it asap)

If used with MacVim you will get SublimeText-like features with the same shortcuts without installing or compiling any external library:

subvim screenhhost

Some more awesome features:

Install & Update

Be sure you are using the latest OS X 10.8 and MacVim. Currently only these two options are supported. Just clone the repo and execute make:

git clone https://github.com/fatih/subvim.git
cd subvim

This will create symlinks from the subvim folder to ~/.vim, ~/.vimrc, ~/.gvimrc and ~/.ctags. Thus you can put the subvim folder in your favorite place.

And finally you can always update it easily with:

git pull origin master


This will just remove the symlinks created previously:

cd subvim
make clean


How do I add my own settings and plugins?

All custom settings are stored in the folder vim/custom/. You have to create it for the first time.

" ~/.vim/custom/vimrc ...my own custom settings
let mapleader = ","
set indent
set tabstop=4
cd vim/custom
git clone git://github.com/tpope/vim-fugitive.git

That's it! subvim will automatically start your settings and plugins after you restart vim again.

There are million other vim distributions, why should I use subvim?

subvim tries to be simple as possible. Only plugins that are worth and are accepted to be usable are integrated (like autocomplete, autosave sessions, etc..). It means you just start subvim and benefit from all the features explained above. There is no binary compiling or installing extra stuff. All these are integrated.

subvim has some very nice shortcuts that gives you the same experience as using SublimeText. These shortcuts do not interfere with any default vim shortcuts. It's aimed for a full Mac OS X experience. I'm thinking about making subvim Linux compatible (gvim) in the future.

There are:

What people say about subvim

Improvements (TODO)



Same as VIM license. For more info see :help license.