my-links for
Do not open a PR or an issue! Instead fork this or create your own my-links
This is my personal my-links
repo. You need your own.
Welcome to my-links
a repo for individuals to customize their page on
To use this repo, follow these steps
Fork this repo to your own GitHub account.
In the root directory of the repo, update the "page.json". This file should contain the data for your link in bio page, such as the links you want to include, the titles for each link, and any other relevant information.
Update the file called "custom.css" in the same directory. This file will be used to customize the look and feel of your link in bio page. You can use this file to add your own styles, such as fonts, colors, and layout.
Once you have created/updated your page.json and custom.css files, you can view your link in bio page by visiting the URL for your forked repo. For example, if your username is "fatih", the URL for your link in bio page would be
If you want to invalidate the cache after you update your page, hit your page with refresh parameter, like this:
If you want to make changes to your link in bio page, simply update your page.json and custom.css files, commit the changes to your repo, and refresh the page to see the updates.
Happy customizing!