

Probabilistic Tracklet Scoring and Inpainting for Multiple Object Tracking (CVPR 2021)

Pytorch implementation of the ArTIST motion model. In this repo, there are

Demo 1: Likelihood estimation of observation


python3 demo_scoring.py

This will generate the output in the temp/ar/log_p directory, look like this: scoring demo

This demo gets as input a pretrained model of the Moving Agent Network (MA-Net), a pretrained model of ArTIST, the centroids (obtain centroids via the script in the utils), a demo test sample index and the number of clusters.

The model then evaluates the log-likelihood (lower the better) of all detections as the continuation of the observed sequence.

Demo 2: Sequence inpainting


python3 demo_inpainting.py

This will generate the multiple plauusible continuations of an observed motion, stored in the temp/ar/inpainting directory. One example looks like this: inpainting demo

This demo gets as input a pretrained model of the Moving Agent Network (MA-Net), a pretrained model of ArTIST, the centroids (obtain centroids via the script in the utils), a demo test sample index and the number of samples we wish to generate.

For each generated future sequence, it computes the IoU between the last generated bounding box and the last groundtruth bounding box, as well as the mean IoU for the entire generated sequence and the groundtruth sequence.


In this repo, there are a number of scripts to generate the required data to train/evaluate ArTIST.


You can download the required data from the Release and put it in data/ directory.


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author={Saleh, Fatemeh and Aliakbarian, Sadegh and Rezatofighi, Hamid and Salzmann, Mathieu and Gould, Stephen},
title = {Probabilistic Tracklet Scoring and Inpainting for Multiple Object Tracking},
booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern recognition},
year = {2021}