

AutoSolver at work: screenshot



RufasCube...looks like a rubic cube but it's a slider, not a twister. A puzzle that runs on Windows, OS-X and GNU Linux.

Click on the large 7zip file under releases for all source & binaries or try this link:


Type "7z x filename.7z" to extract the archive.

Note to github downloaders: Please ignore the "Source code" zip & tar.gz files. (They are auto-generated by GitHub). Click on the large 7z file under releases to download all source & binaries (Windows & Linux). Type "7z x filename" to extract the archive. Then you can compile your own binaries, or use the pre-built ones provided.

RufasCube -- using OpenAL audio, GLFW, FreeType Fonts (TTF)

Latest Revision:

ver 4.5.5 -- 18mar2024

See complete revision history at end of file.

RufasCube Game Description

RufasCube is NOT another Rubic's Cube. It's a much easier slider puzzle that is incrementally solvable. A 3x3x3 arrangement of cubelets with the center one missing allows sliding permutations. After a randomization, the goal is to restore the cube to its original configuration based on color and alphabetic hints. Now contains a smaller 2x2x2 cube called "Seven", that is an easier version.

Works on PCs running Windows, OSX, or GNU/Linux.


* no installation
* no dependencies
* simply unzip in your Downloads directory, and run;
* or unzip onto a USB flash drive [w/same file format] and run.


Dragging the cursor rotates the cube for a better view angle.

Clicking the cursor on a cubelet adjacent to the empty space will slide it into that empty space. On laptops you may also hit (return) when the cursor is on the cubelet of choice to select and slide it.

Zooming can also be done with a mousewheel.

As indicated on screen, (h) will toggle a help screen.

Uses FreeType font rendering & TrueType fonts.

System requirements for running delivered executables:

Setup of Rufascube:

Mac/OSX users see "osx-setup.txt". Windows users see "windows-setup.txt".

Unzip the archive.

Open a commandline terminal, and cd to the install directory.

Windows users may type:

In other words, there are both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows executables delivered. They all should work.

Windows users note: I suggest that you DO NOT try running the linux executables under WSL [Windows Subsystem for Linux; that mode is not supported]. Simply use the windows version.

Linux users type:

If an older Linux system complains that /dev/dsp/ cannot be opened, prepend the command with "padsp",EG: "padsp (ExeName)".

On linux if all else fails, an easy alternative is to install WINE. The Windows executables will run on linux using wine thusly:

* wine binw32/cube.exe
* wine binw32/seven.exe

Mac OSX users type:

Note that I no longer provide a Mac-Bundle so these apps must be started, as above, from the command line.

Running Rufascube (3x3x3):

For experienced RufasCube users please note that there are slight key changes as of March 2024.

Solving can be started at any time, and can be stopped whenever you want to try to manually complete the solution.

There are 2 modes to the 3x3x3 cube: a) normal (default), and b) iQube-mode.

The default normal-mode has 2 different color schemes, or "skins".

The primary RGB "skin" is based on an RGB color scheme whereby position along X,Y,Z axis determines RGB-color content in the solved configuration. This is the default skin of normal-mode.

The alternate skin of normal-mode has the appearance of a Rubic's cube when solved, with each face having a solid color in the set {red,green,blue,magenta,cyan,yellow}.

These first 2 skins are interchangable at any time using the (c)-key, and both work the same way. They must be scrambled, then restored.

The iQube-mode has 3 color variations, which do not need shuffling (they are already scrambled) with a totally different goal: to transform the outer surface of the cube from its initial appearance to entirely RED. In all cases, the lettering will assist you in solving the puzzle. When solved, the layers of letters are in alphabetical order:

a b c
d e f
g h i

j k l
m . n
o p q

r s t
u v w
x y z

Of course, for the expert, the lettering COULD be turned off, for an extra challenge.

The 3 iQube variations are initially a) solidGreen; b) yellow with green dots; c) yellow with red dots. And they all become solid red when solved.

As indicated on screen, (h) will show a help screen.

The mousewheel controls zoom.

More options (as indicated by the help screen):

Note: if you are working a normal-mode puzzle that you might want to resume later, you should save it before you press the (q)-key, since that completely resets into iQube-mode.

If the axes are being displayed you might also use the movement keys:

hint #1

Linux users note: the Windows executable files will likely run under WINE on linux.

hint #2

You may find it easier to focus your attention on the 2D representation at the side of the screen.

Running seven(2x2x2), differences:

This simpler, smaller cube has fewer options.

As indicated on screen, (h) will show a help screen. The (c) key will toggle between the RGB and Vadasz mode at any time. Zoom is controlled by the mousewheel, or the zoom keys i/o (In,Out).

More options (as indicated by the help screen):

Open source Ada developers are welcome to help improve or extend this game.

Developer or not, send comments, suggestions or questions to:


what is special about this project?

Uses the Ada programming language and fully modern OpenGL methods with textures, shaders, uniforms, sound and actual TTF-lettering. Achieving version 3.3 core profile contexts, it compiles and runs on Windows, OSX, GNU/Linux. This project serves as a testbed for learning the complexities of modern OpenGL, GLSL, FreeType fonts. It is buildable using GNU-Ada.

Focusing on portability, transparency, and open source freedom, this project relies exclusively on F.O.S.S. tools: the GLFW binding is custom, a FreeTypeAda binding by Felix Krause, a PNG reader by Stephen Sanguine (using Dmitriy Anisimkov's Zlib for Ada), OpenAL-Audio with a custom binding, and an Ada compiler.

The linux-build is among very few modern OpenGL games where a single pre-built executable can run on multiple Linux distros without 3rd party add-ons!

Finally, the new "live" autosolver is quite sophisticated. It allows invocation at any time and can be used to get a few steps closer, or all the way to a solution, no matter the current state. It can be ignored whenever you feel more confident and want to begin making moves on your own. Solutions are found within a few seconds but may not be minimal.

Open source Ada developers are welcome to help improve or extend this app. Developer or not, send comments, suggestions or questions to: fastrgv@gmail.com

Rebuild Requirements:

Build instructions for RufasCube or Seven:

The build scripts work for GNU Ada/g++. A good link follows:

The "setpath" scripts assume installation into $HOME\opt. You will likely need to edit the scripts for the proper version.

Mac/OSX => obuildAll.sh

GNU/Linux => lbuildAll.sh

This script assumes GNU Ada/g++ has been installed into $HOME/opt/. You will likely need to edit the script for the proper version.

utilizes the uncommon relocatable libraries (mainly GLFW) that are delivered in this bundle under ./libs/gnu/. This is used to build the dynamically-linked [gnu/linux] executable, which should run whether or not your system has those libraries installed. This was used to create the executable named cube. If it doesn't run on your linux distro, you will have to try to build the executable yourself. In that case, it is hoped that these scripts will work for you. As a last resort, you can use wine to run the Windows EXEs:

wine binw32/cube.exe
wine binw32/seven.exe


RufasCube is covered by the GNU GPL v3 as indicated in the sources:

Copyright (C) 2024 fastrgv@gmail.com

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You may read the full text of the GNU General Public License at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

Media Files for RufasCube:

It is my intention to use media with copyrights or licenses that are compatible with GPLv3. Please notify me if you believe there is an incompatibility, and it will be removed. Eg: a CC-by-NC license is NOT GPL compatible.

SoundFiles .WAV

Sounds are from freesound.org and is covered by the Creative Commons CC0 license documented in the accompanying file ./docs/creativeCommonsCC0.txt.

ShaderFiles: .glsl, .vs, .fs, .fragmentshader, .vertexshader

GPL v3 license.

TTF files

GPL v3 license.

ImageFiles .png [defunct since ttf]

For text-textures were created using gimp and are also covered by the GNU GPL v3 license.


In february of 2015 I discovered that RufasCube could be considered a software implementation of a Hungarian "Vadasz" 3x3x3 cube, or another similar puzzle called an iQube, whose goals are an all green or all red outer color. Peter's Black Hole and Magic Jack are still other incarnations.

For further iqube analysis see: http://www.jaapsch.net/puzzles/blackhole.htm

I also discovered that the 2x2x2 cube seems to be a software implementation of a Hungarian "Vadasz" cube.

Download Sites for all my games:

Revision History:-----------------------------------

ver 4.5.4 -- 6oct2023

ver 4.5.3 -- 5dec2022

ver 4.5.2 -- 16nov2022

ver 4.5.1 -- 30sep2022

ver 4.5.0 -- 20sep2022

ver 4.4.8 -- 16sep2022

ver 4.4.7 -- 16apr2022

ver 4.4.6 -- 18jan2022