


An easy to use project template for Django 2.0 that follows best practices.



Make sure you have pipenv installed. Then install Django 2.0 in your virtualenv:

pip install django==2.0

To create a new Django project (make sure to change project_name)

django-admin.py startproject --template=https://github.com/fasouto/django-starter-template/archive/master.zip --extension=py,md,html,txt project_name

cd to your project and install the development dependences

pipenv install --dev

If you need a database, edit the settings and create one with

pipenv run python manage.py migrate

Once everything it's setup you can run the development server: http://localhost:8000/

pipenv run python manage.py runserver

How to use it


Settings are divided by environments: production.py, development.py and testing.py. By default it uses development.py, if you want to change the environment set a environment variable:

export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE="my_project.settings.production"

or you can use the settings param with runserver:

pipenv run python manage.py runserver --settings=my_project.settings.production

If you need to add some settings that are specific for your machine, rename the file local_example.py to local_settings.py. This file it's in .gitignore so the changes won't be tracked.