

eNB s1 Emulator

This is an eNB emulator application done in python3 to interact with MME (S1AP) and SGW (S1-U). This application can be used to perform and simulate several EMM and ESM procedures, including user plane traffic. This application was tested with real MMEs (lab environment).

<p align="center"><img src="images/eNB.png" width="50%"></p>


To begin with you will need Python3 / Pip installed and a few other libraries / dependencies.

On a Debian/Ubuntu systems you can install with: apt-get install -y python3-pip libsctp-dev swig python3-pyscard git net-tools

Now we can clone the repository with:

git clone https://github.com/fasferraz/eNB
cd eNB/

Finally we will need to install all of the Python packages needed to run the tool.

We can install all these packages using Pip3 with:

sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt


We have 3 options for authenticating our simulated subscribers to the network:

Note: If none of these options is defined, a default KASME and XRES are used (check corresponding variables inside session_dict_initialization function).


Many variables needed for SA1P and NAS are defined inside the session_dict_initialization function. You can change them to meet your own needs.

When you call the script these are the options available:

python3 eNB_LOCAL.py -h
Usage: eNB_LOCAL.py [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i ENB_IP, --ip=ENB_IP
                        eNB Local IP Address
  -m MME_IP, --mme=MME_IP
                        MME IP Address
  -g GATEWAY_IP_ADDRESS, --gateway_ip_address=GATEWAY_IP_ADDRESS
                        gateway IP address
                        modem port (i.e. COMX, or /dev/ttyUSBX), smartcard
                        reader index (0, 1, 2, ...), or server for https
  -I IMSI, --imsi=IMSI  IMSI (15 digits)
  -E IMEI, --imei=IMEI  IMEI-SV (16 digits)
  -K KI, --ki=KI        ki for Milenage (if not using option -u)
  -P OP, --op=OP        op for Milenage (if not using option -u)
  -C OPC, --opc=OPC     opc for Milenage (if not using option -u)
  -o PLMN, --operator=PLMN
                        Operator MCC+MNC

Note: Gateway IP Address (option -g) is needed when the MME or SGW are not in the local LAN. With user plane activated, the default route points to a tunnel interface, so this Gateway IP Address is needed so that MME address and SGW address are also reachable (using /32 routes) using this IP as next-hop address. In case of multiple interfaces, this IP address must be in the same network as the source interface used for eNB address (option -i).

Example usage fo eNB address -, and MME address - (eNB and MME in the same LAN), and ttyUSB2:

python3 eNB_LOCAL.py -i -m -u /dev/ttyUSB2

This is the application user interface, where we can see the current options and procedures supported:

<p align="center"><img src="images/application.png" width="100%"></p>

This application implements S1-U, so after an successful Attach with PDN Connectivity activation, you can use the laptop applications (browser, terminal, etc...) to send/receive traffic over the GTP-U connection towards the SGW using the session IP address, using a tunnel interface.

In case the session is a NB-IoT session you can also send the user plane over NAS including Non-IP Data Delivery (NIDD).

The basic flow could be for example, option 15 - to bring up the s1 interface, and then option 20 - to perform attach.


The application supports currently the following options:

In terms of procedures, the application supports the following ones:

You can also find more information in https://fabricioapps.blogspot.com/2020/07/mme-part-i-enb-emulator.html


I had previously done some experiments with SCTP using the native socket module from python3, but starting a ASN.1 module for S1AP from scratch was a big challenge. Fortunately I found some magnificent python modules for ASN.1 and S1AP done by P1 Security that I highly recommend:


They have plenty of modules for almost anything related to Mobile Developments, but for my project i just used the S1AP from pycrate_asn1dir module, and CM from the CryptoMobile module (that has all the ciphering and integrity protocols needed for NAS). In order to derive the integrity and ciphering keys from KASME/CK/IK) i used another module: the Crypto.Hash (pip3 install pycryptodome) that has the HMAC and SHA256 functions needed for KDF.

For serial communication towards the modem I use the pyserial module (pip3 install pyserial)

For smartcard reader communication I use the smartcard module (pyscard module from https://pypi.org/project/pyscard/) and card module (from https://github.com/mitshell/card).

For https request to https server I use the requests module.

So in resume, these are the required external (non-standard) modules:

from pycrate_asn1dir import S1AP
from pycrate_asn1rt.utils import *
from CryptoMobile.CM import *
from CryptoMobile.Milenage import Milenage
from Crypto.Hash import HMAC
from Crypto.Hash import SHA256

For IMSI, and authentication these are the required external (non-standard) modules:

(at least one of these options should be available if we need to use real USIM)

   import serial
    from smartcard.System import readers
    from smartcard.util import toHexString,toBytes
        from card.USIM import *
    import requests

For authentication the application also accepts Ki and OP/OPC for Milenage operation (usefull for testing with developments like open5gs, where the USIM parameters are defined in the HSS/UDR).

Updated version (2023/02/19):

New branch added by Avmalavi that supports Multi-User!!!!

Check it here: https://github.com/fasferraz/eNB/tree/multi-user

Updated version (2023/10/30):

  python3 eNB_LOCAL.py -h
Usage: eNB_LOCAL.py [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i ENB_IP, --ip=ENB_IP
                        eNB Local IP Address
  -m MME_IP, --mme=MME_IP
                        MME IP Address
  -g GATEWAY_IP_ADDRESS, --gateway_ip_address=GATEWAY_IP_ADDRESS
                        gateway IP address
                        modem port (i.e. COMX, or /dev/ttyUSBX), smartcard
                        reader index (0, 1, 2, ...), or server for https
  -I IMSI, --imsi=IMSI  IMSI (15 digits)
  -E IMEI, --imei=IMEI  IMEI-SV (16 digits)
  -K KI, --ki=KI        ki for Milenage (if not using option -u)
  -P OP, --op=OP        op for Milenage (if not using option -u)
  -C OPC, --opc=OPC     opc for Milenage (if not using option -u)
  -o PLMN, --operator=PLMN
                        Operator MCC+MNC
  --tac1=TAC1           1st tracking area code
  --tac2=TAC2           2nd tracking area code
  -Z, --gtp-kernel      Use GTP Kernel. Needs libgtpnl
  -S MAXSEG, --maxseg=MAXSEG
                        SCTP MAX_SEG (>463 bytes)
                        UERadioCapability in hex string
  -G GUTI, --guti=GUTI  GUTI in format <mcc+mcn>-<mme-group-id>-<mme-
  --mme-2=MME_2_IP      2nd MME IP Address