


Benchmarks for Farm, Rsbuild, Webpack, Vite

Using Turbopack's bench cases (1000 React components), see https://turbo.build/pack/docs/benchmarks

The startup time algorithm is the compilation time plus the time from browser loading to page rendering on the browser

Farm 1.2.2396ms228ms167ms18ms13ms313ms
Farm 1.2.2 (Hot)273ms106ms167ms14ms11ms160ms
Rsbuild 0.7.10468ms270ms198ms87ms74ms363ms
Rsbuild 0.7.10 (Hot)468ms270ms198ms89ms71ms363ms
Vite 6.0.0-alpha (swc)1700ms356ms1343ms22ms11ms1543ms
Vite 6.0.0-alpha (swc)(Hot)1426ms350ms1076ms25ms11ms1540ms
Vite 6.0.0-alpha (babel)3160ms362ms2797ms23ms13ms1556ms
Vite 6.0.0-alpha (babel)(Hot)2922ms343ms2579ms27ms16ms1566ms
Webpack 5.91.0 (swc)2078ms1758ms320ms532ms165ms4128ms
Webpack 5.91.0 (swc)(Hot)945ms646ms298ms284ms182ms527ms
Webpack 5.91.0 (babel)6585ms6282ms302ms214ms181ms518ms
Webpack 5.91.0 (babel)(Hot)1204ms936ms268ms269ms161ms540ms

Tested on Linux Mint, 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-11400 @ 2.60GHz, 16GB

Full Benchmark


StartUp Benchmark


HMR Benchmark


Production Build Benchmark


Run benchmarks:

node benchmark.mjs

You will see something like:

bright@bright-MS-7D17:~/opensource/performance-compare$ node benchmark.mjs

Rspack  startup time: 417ms
Turbopack  startup time: 2440.673095703125ms
Webpack  startup time: 7968ms
Vite  startup time: 3712ms
Farm  startup time: 430ms
Turbopack  Root HMR time: 7ms
Farm  Root HMR time: 7ms
Vite  Root HMR time: 42ms
Rspack  Root HMR time: 298ms
Webpack  Root HMR time: 451ms
Farm  Leaf HMR time: 10ms
Turbopack  Leaf HMR time: 11ms
Vite  Leaf HMR time: 22ms
Webpack  Leaf HMR time: 284ms
Rspack  Leaf HMR time: 303ms

If you want to start the project with the specified tool, try:

pnpm i # install dependencies

npm run start # Start Farm
npm run start:vite # Start Vite
npm run start:webpack # Start Webpack
npm run start:rspack # Start Rspack
npm run start:turbopack # Start Turbopack