<div align="center"> <img src="" alt="UPLOADY-removebg-preview" border="0"> </div>Uploady
Uploady is a Simple File Uploader Script with Multi File Upload Support
It comes with more than 20 features and you can set up it in less than 5 minutes.
The software is written in PHP and uses MySQL as a database.
And it is free and open source.
- Simple to use and implement
- 4 Protection levels
- Mime Type
- Extensions
- Size
- Forbidden names
- Out Of The Box Functions
- Bootstrap and jQuery over CDN
- Multi-File Upload Support
- Admin Panel with charts and stats
- Drag and Drop Support
- Role-based User Management with size limit for each role
- Data collection [IP Address, Browser Information, OS, Country]
- Image Manipulation
- AdSense Support
- Google Analytics Support
- Pages Management
- Multi-Languages Support
- Custom CSS and JS support
- Custom logo and favicon
- Delete files after x days
- Delete files after x downloads
- Report abuse page
- Social media sharing
Change the permission of everything to 755 chmod 755 -R uploady/
How to Install
- Upload all files to your server
- Modify config/config.php with your custom info
- Change files and folders permission to 775
- Run install.php
- Enjoy (:
Docker Deployment
- Clone the project and cd into it
git clone
cd Uploady/
- Update config.php with connection string as below
define("DB_HOST", "db");
define("DB_USER", "uploady");
define("DB_PASS", "uploady");
define("DB_NAME", "uploady");
- Use the below to build the container and run it
docker-compose up -d
API Usage
curl --location 'http://localhost/api/upload' \
--header 'X-API-KEY: IpSznjueHn4vhi0BMhuZJRlk8epZxGJR' \
--form 'file=@"postman-cloud:///1eeafe05-7a96-4b40-9639-6ae17e7155d7"'
Click here for a real demo Uploady.NET
1. Rewrite in Custom MVC
2. Report abuse dashboard
3. PhpFileUpload refactor
4. Upgrade Bootstrap to 5.3.3
Developed by Faris AL-Otaibi - 2024