

This repo was developed when Svelte 3 came out. Since then better svelte-typescript has been developed, such as this one

Svelte + Typescript + Storybook + Webpack

This is a Svelte + Typescript + Storybook + Webpack boiletplate project. If you are intrested in Next / Nuxt SSR version, it is here.

It uses gulp to combine .ts, .scss & .svelte together into one .svelte file and put into the build folder.

Then webpack, using svelte-loader will read the build files, and output into the public folder.

How to do typescript with svelte?

  1. Create a new folder inside the components folder.
  2. Create a .ts, .scss & .svelte file in that folder. I must have the same filename.
  3. npm run dev
  4. Profit