


Falco Infra Repository Incubating License

CI Build Latest Architectures

Utility to bump supported syscalls in falcosecurity/libs

The latest release of the tool is available in falcosecurity/syscalls-bumper:latest


syscalls-bumper -h
  Usage of syscalls-bumper
      enable dry run mode
      whether to overwrite existing files in libs repo if local
    -repo-root string
      falcosecurity/libs repo root (supports http too) (default "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/falcosecurity/libs/master")
      enable verbose logging

CI Usage

To better suit the CI usage, a Github composite action has been developed.
Therefore, running syscalls-bumper in your Github workflow is as easy as adding this step:

- name: Bump syscalls
  uses: falcosecurity/syscalls-bumper@main
    # Path to the libs repo.
    # No default. Mandatory.
    repo-root: 'libs'

NOTE: Since we don't use annotated tags, one cannot use eg: falcosecurity/syscalls-bumper@v0, but only either exact tag name, branch name or commit hash.