

Libs SDK

Falco Ecosystem Repository Sandbox

A simplified API (a.k.a. facade) for Falco Libs in Golang.

This is an experimental project. Comments and feedback are welcome!


To import the Libs SDK package:

go get github.com/sysflow-telemetry/libs-sdk-go

Below is a minimal example. Check examples/goscap for a complete example.

import (


func main() {
    var ev libs.ScapEvent
    inspector := libs.New()
    for true {
        res := inspector.Next(&ev)
        if res == libs.SCAP_TIMEOUT {
            // perform timeout checks
        } else if res == libs.SCAP_EOF {
            fmt.Println("SCAP EOF")
        } else if res != libs.SCAP_SUCCESS {
            fmt.Println("SCAP FAILURE")
        } else {
            fmt.Printf("%d %d %s\n", ev.GetRecordNum(), ev.GetTS(), ev.GetNameAsGoString())



To build the SDK, which includes C and Go wrappers for Libs, run:

make sdk

Hello "Libs"

To compile the examples, run:

make examples/build

The output binary accepts the example name (default: goscap) and a scap file (default: traces/httpd.scap), and prints some basic event information in the standard output.

./examples/run.sh [goscap|cppscap|cscap] <scapfile>

For example, to test goscap, run:

./examples/run.sh goscap

Libs builder and runtime images

This SDK builds using the libs builder image currently maintained in a fork of the libs project. Two base images are currently built and hosted in GHCR. These are intented to be used in multi-stage builds where one first builds the Libs consumer using the builder image in an initial stage, and then copies the target executable in a second stage that is derived from the runtime image. This should result in very small images for release.

ghcr.io/sysflow-telemetry/libs/libsA base image containing the pre-installed Falco Libs and tools for building Libs consumersdocker/libsFALCOSECURITY_LIBS_CFLAGS<br>FALCOSECURITY_LIBS_LDFLAGS
ghcr.io/sysflow-telemetry/libs/runtimeA base image containing the Falco Libs driver loader, to be used to build Libs consumer release imagesdocker/driver-loader

The libs builder image defines two built-in environment variables that can be used in build automation for Libs consumers (e.g., see this Makefile):

Creating Libs consumer images

Using this SDK, you can easily create Docker images for your Libs consumer. Example dockerfiles are providede in the examples directory.

To build the docker images for the examples, run:

make examples

To perform a live capture with any of the example consumers, run:
