


Falco Core Repository Stable License

This is the source code for the official Falco website: https://falco.org .

Contributing logos

In order to contribute a logo you must meet one of the following adopter types.

Then open a pull request to this repository that contains:

We try not to duplicate logos, and would prefer more encompassing logos over granular logos. For instance we prefer AWS over AWS EC2.


To build this website you need:

Test locally

Clone repository

git clone git@github.com:falcosecurity/falco-website.git

Run hugo server

make serve

You can access your local website on http://localhost:1313


It has been decided by the community to drop out all translations. It requires too much work to maintain them, and most of them were outdated. We want to thank a lot all the community members who contributed over years, you did an amazing job.