


Falco Infra Repository Incubating License

CI build Latest Architectures Go Report Card

A go tool to work with falcosecurity drivers build grid.

The tool implements, under the configs subcmd:

Moreover, under the drivers subcmd:

CLI options

Multiple CLI options are available; you can quickly check them out with ./dbg-go --help, or using --help on any sub command.

A command line helper tool used by falcosecurity test-infra dbg.

  dbg-go [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  configs     Work with local dbg configs
  drivers     Work with remote drivers bucket
  help        Help about any command

  -a, --architecture string           architecture to run against. Supported: [amd64,arm64] (default "amd64")
      --driver-name string            driver name to be used (default "falco")
      --driver-version strings        driver versions to run against.
      --dry-run                       enable dry-run mode.
  -h, --help                          help for dbg-go
  -l, --log-level string              set log verbosity. (default "INFO")
      --repo-root string              test-infra repository root path. (default "/home/federico/Work/dbg-go")
      --target-distro string          target distro to work against. By default tool will work on any supported distro. Can be a regex.
                                      Supported: [almalinux,amazonlinux,amazonlinux2,amazonlinux2022,amazonlinux2023,bottlerocket,centos,debian,fedora,minikube,talos,ubuntu].
      --target-kernelrelease string   target kernel release to work against. By default tool will work on any kernel release. Can be a regex.
      --target-kernelversion string   target kernel version to work against. By default tool will work on any kernel version. Can be a regex.

Use "dbg-go [command] --help" for more information about a command.

As you can see, global options basically reimplement all dbg Makefile filters.


A simple make build in the project root folder is enough.


Given the project aims at making our dbg code testable, there are already quite a few tests implemented.
To run them, a simple make test issued from project root folder is enough.

Release artifacts

Using goreleaser, multiple artifacts are attached to each github release; among them, you can find executables for arm64 and amd64.


<details> <summary>Fetch stats about local dbg configs for all supported driver versions by test-infra, for host architecture</summary>
./dbg-go configs stats --repo-root test-infra
</details> <details> <summary>Fetch stats about remote drivers for 5.0.1+driver driver version, for host architecture</summary>
./dbg-go drivers stats --driver-version 5.0.1+driver
</details> <details> <summary>Validate local configs for 5.0.1+driver driver version, for arm64</summary>
./dbg-go configs validate --driver-version 5.0.1+driver --architecture arm64
</details> <details> <summary>Generate configs for all supported driver versions by test-infra from kernel-crawler output, for host architecture</summary>
./dbg-go configs generate --repo-root test-infra --auto
</details> <details> <summary>Build all x86_64 5.0.1+driver configs, publishing them to s3</summary>
./dbg-go configs build --repo-root test-infra --driver-version 5.0.1+driver --publish
</details> <details> <summary>Publish locally built drivers for aarch64 for all supported driver versions by test-infra</summary>
./dbg-go drivers publish --repo-root test-infra --architecture arm64

NOTE: all commands that require s3 write access, need proper env variables (AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) exported.

Bumping driverkit

To bump driverkit, you just need:

make bump-driverkit DRIVERKIT_VER=vX.Y.Z