


Yukko is an ASCIIpunk NNTPchan client written in Python 3. Place a list of nodes seperated by new lines in nodeList.txt and the client will cycle through them at random. nntp.py is the library I have written for this project, it has been intentionally written in such a way that it does not depend on anything in the rest of the program, this allows it to be pulled out and used for other projects. To start it run ./yukko.py


Board overview
CAPTCHA Post Board list


Board overview




General settings are stored in settings.json

download directory

The directory to download attachments to.

text editor

The command used to open a text editor.

theme folder

The directory holding the current theme.

max overview lines

The maximum amount of lines to show in board overview mode before contracting the post.

max overview posts

The maxmimum amount of posts, starting from the end of the thread (not including the opening post) to show in board view mode.

default board

The default board that Yukko will go to when started.

http proxy/https proxy

Sets a proxy for all traffic, such as "socks5://". Note that SOCKS proxies will require the socks add-on for the requests module, which can be installed like so:

sudo pip install -U "requests[socks]"


Themes can be used to style Yukko to look however you like, from changing the ascii art to the borders around the posts.
They contain 5 files: