

Hyv: The Hub for Your AI Models

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Welcome to Hyv

Hyv is a versatile library designed to streamline the integration and interaction of diverse AI models. With a clean, intuitive, and unified API, Hyv allows developers to manage and collaborate with various AI models effortlessly.

Get started with Hyv now:

npm i @hyv/core @hyv/openai

Then, provide your apiKey in a .env file


Try this simple example to experience Hyv in action:

import { Agent } from "@hyv/core";
import { GPTModelAdapter, DallEModelAdapter } from "@hyv/openai";

// Create agents
const writer = new Agent(new GPTModelAdapter());
const artist = new Agent(new DallEModelAdapter(), {
    // Preprocess the task
    async before(message) {
        return { images: [{ path: "the-future.png", prompt: message.answer }] };

// Assign tasks
const writerResult = await writer.assign({
    question: "Describe the future to an artist so that they can draw it",
const artistResult = await artist.assign(writerResult.message);
// Do something with the result

Experience the Power of Hyv: Learn through Interaction in 11 Languages!

<img src="assets/hyv-docs-01.png" alt="docs screenshot of a guide" width="50%"/><img src="assets/hyv-docs-02.png" alt="docs screenshot of a guide" width="50%"/>

Dive into Hyv's universe with our interactive, multilingual docs. Powered by Hyv agents and GPT-4, they turn learning into a dynamic experience. Understand Hyv's features by engaging with them in real-time across 11 languages. Simple setup, profound learning. Start your journey with our easy setup guide now!

Explore Hyv

Why Choose Hyv?

Hyv is an all-in-one solution for developers:

Embrace the future with Hyv today!