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xFormers - Toolbox to Accelerate Research on Transformers

xFormers is:

Installing xFormers

# [linux only] cuda 11.8 version
pip3 install -U xformers --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu118
# [linux only] cuda 12.1 version
pip3 install -U xformers --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu121
# [linux & win] cuda 12.4 version
pip3 install -U xformers --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu124
# [linux only] (EXPERIMENTAL) rocm 6.1 version
pip3 install -U xformers --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/rocm6.1
# Same requirements as for the stable version above
pip install --pre -U xformers
# (Optional) Makes the build much faster
pip install ninja
# Set TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST if running and building on different GPU types
pip install -v -U git+https://github.com/facebookresearch/xformers.git@main#egg=xformers
# (this can take dozens of minutes)


Memory-efficient MHA Benchmarks for ViTS Setup: A100 on f16, measured total time for a forward+backward pass

Note that this is exact attention, not an approximation, just by calling xformers.ops.memory_efficient_attention

More benchmarks

xFormers provides many components, and more benchmarks are available in BENCHMARKS.md.

(Optional) Testing the installation

This command will provide information on an xFormers installation, and what kernels are built/available:

python -m xformers.info

Using xFormers

Key Features

  1. Optimized building blocks, beyond PyTorch primitives
    1. Memory-efficient exact attention - up to 10x faster
    2. sparse attention
    3. block-sparse attention
    4. fused softmax
    5. fused linear layer
    6. fused layer norm
    7. fused dropout(activation(x+bias))
    8. fused SwiGLU

Install troubleshooting


xFormers has a BSD-style license, as found in the LICENSE file. It includes code from the triton-lang/kernels repo.

Citing xFormers

If you use xFormers in your publication, please cite it by using the following BibTeX entry.

  author =       {Benjamin Lefaudeux and Francisco Massa and Diana Liskovich and Wenhan Xiong and Vittorio Caggiano and Sean Naren and Min Xu and Jieru Hu and Marta Tintore and Susan Zhang and Patrick Labatut and Daniel Haziza and Luca Wehrstedt and Jeremy Reizenstein and Grigory Sizov},
  title =        {xFormers: A modular and hackable Transformer modelling library},
  howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/facebookresearch/xformers}},
  year =         {2022}


The following repositories are used in xFormers, either in close to original form or as an inspiration: