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Theseus is an efficient application-agnostic library for building custom nonlinear optimization layers in PyTorch to support constructing various problems in robotics and vision as end-to-end differentiable architectures.

Differentiable nonlinear optimization provides a general scheme to encode inductive priors, as the objective function can be partly parameterized by neural models and partly with expert domain-specific differentiable models. The ability to compute gradients end-to-end is retained by differentiating through the optimizer which allows neural models to train on the final task loss, while also taking advantage of priors captured by the optimizer.

See list of papers published using Theseus for examples across various application domains.

Current Features

Application agnostic interface

Our implementation provides an easy to use interface to build custom optimization layers and plug them into any neural architecture. Following differentiable features are currently available:

Efficiency based design

We support several features that improve computation times and memory consumption:

Getting Started



Running unit tests (requires dev installation)

python -m pytest tests

By default, unit tests include tests for our CUDA extensions. You can add the option -m "not cudaext" to skip them when installing without CUDA support. Additionally, the tests for sparse solver BaSpaCho are automatically skipped when its extlib is not compiled.


Simple example. This example is fitting the curve $y$ to a dataset of $N$ observations $(x,y) \sim D$. This is modeled as an Objective with a single CostFunction that computes the residual $y - v e^x$. The Objective and the GaussNewton optimizer are encapsulated into a TheseusLayer. With Adam and MSE loss, $x$ is learned by differentiating through the TheseusLayer.

import torch
import theseus as th

x_true, y_true, v_true = read_data() # shapes (1, N), (1, N), (1, 1)
x = th.Variable(torch.randn_like(x_true), name="x")
y = th.Variable(y_true, name="y")
v = th.Vector(1, name="v") # a manifold subclass of Variable for optim_vars

def error_fn(optim_vars, aux_vars): # returns y - v * exp(x)
    x, y = aux_vars
    return y.tensor - optim_vars[0].tensor * torch.exp(x.tensor)

objective = th.Objective()
cost_function = th.AutoDiffCostFunction(
    [v], error_fn, y_true.shape[1], aux_vars=[x, y],
layer = th.TheseusLayer(th.GaussNewton(objective, max_iterations=10))

phi = torch.nn.Parameter(x_true + 0.1 * torch.ones_like(x_true))
outer_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam([phi], lr=0.001)
for epoch in range(10):
    solution, info = layer.forward(
        input_tensors={"x": phi.clone(), "v": torch.ones(1, 1)},
        optimizer_kwargs={"backward_mode": "implicit"})
    outer_loss = torch.nn.functional.mse_loss(solution["v"], v_true)

See tutorials, and robotics and vision examples to learn about the API and usage.

Citing Theseus

If you use Theseus in your work, please cite the paper with the BibTeX below.

  title   = {{Theseus: A Library for Differentiable Nonlinear Optimization}},
  author  = {Luis Pineda and Taosha Fan and Maurizio Monge and Shobha Venkataraman and Paloma Sodhi and Ricky TQ Chen and Joseph Ortiz and Daniel DeTone and Austin Wang and Stuart Anderson and Jing Dong and Brandon Amos and Mustafa Mukadam},
  journal = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
  year    = {2022}


Theseus is MIT licensed. See the LICENSE for details.

Additional Information

Theseus is made possible by the following contributors:

<a href="https://github.com/facebookresearch/theseus/graphs/contributors"> <img src="https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=facebookresearch/theseus" /> </a>

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