

Graph Structure of Neural Networks

This repository is the official PyTorch implementation of Graph Structure of Neural Networks, by Jiaxuan You, Jure Leskovec, Kaiming He, Saining Xie, ICML 2020.

The repository is heavily built upon pycls, an image classification codebase built by FAIR.


TLDR: We study the architecture of neural networks through the lens of network science, and discover that good neural networks are alike in terms of their underlying graph structure.

We define a novel graph-based representation of neural networks called relational graph, as opposed to the commonly used computational graph. We then systematically investigate how does the graph structure of neural networks affect their predictive performance. The key finding is that a sweet spot of relational graphs have significantly improved predictive performance. We show that the finding is consistent across different tasks and datasets, and the discovered graphs are surprisingly similar to those of real biological neural networks. Please turn to our paper for more details.

<div align="center"> <img src="docs/overview.jpg" width="1100px" /> <p align="center"><b>Overview of our approach.</b> Diverse neural architectures can be expressed in the language of relational graphs.</p> </div>

Code setup

1 Installation


Python environment: We recommend using Conda package manager

conda create -n graph2nn python=3.6
conda activate graph2nn

Pytorch: Manually install PyTorch with CUDA support (CPU version is not supported). We have verified under PyTorch 1.4.0 and torchvision 0.5.0. For example:

pip install torch==1.4.0 torchvision==0.5.0

Clone graph2nn repository and install:

git clone https://github.com/facebookresearch/graph2nn
cd graph2nn
pip install -r requirements.txt
python setup.py develop

2 Download datasets

Download CIFAR-10 dataset and/or ImageNet dataset. Uncompress the datasets then link the datasets with our code base.

# CIFAR-10
mkdir -p pycls/datasets/data
wget https://www.cs.toronto.edu/~kriz/cifar-10-python.tar.gz # or other data directory 
tar -xvf cifar-10-python.tar.gz
DIR=$(readlink -f cifar-10-batches-py)
ln -s $DIR pycls/datasets/data/cifar10 # symlink
# ImageNet (optional)
mkdir -p pycls/datasets/data/imagenet
# Then download ImageNet following their official website
ln -s path/imagenet pycls/datasets/data/imagenet # symlink

More details are explained in DATA.md.

Run the code

We provide a clean portal for reproducing multiple experimental setups in our paper. We have included all the raw experimental results, thus you may directly skip to Step 3 to play with these results.

1 Run the best model + baseline model

Running the best discovered model can be as easy as

# Explaining the arguments:
# Tasks: mlp_cifar10, cnn_imagenet, resnet34_imagenet, resnet34sep_imagenet, resnet50_imagenet, efficient_imagenet, mlp_cifar10_bio
# Division: best, all
# GPU: 1, 8 (for ImageNet experiments only)
bash launch.sh mlp_cifar10 best 1
bash launch.sh resnet34_imagenet best 8

2 Run a model with a biological neural network structure

Interestingly, we show in our paper that our approach can be used to translate biological neural networks into computable artificial neural networks, under the message exchange point of view. Please refer to our paper for more details.

We include an example of translating macaque and cat brain networks to MLP on CIFAR-10

bash launch.sh mlp_cifar10_bio best 1
<div align="center"> <img src="docs/bio.jpg" width="450px" /> <p align="center">Biological neural networks and top artificial neural networks are <b>alike</b>.</p> </div>

3 Run all the models defined by relational graphs

Here is the script for running all the models. Note that this process can be very time consuming, and you make want to use task manager like slurm to carry out these large-scale experiments.

bash launch.sh mlp_cifar10 all 1
bash launch.sh resnet34_imagenet all 8

3 Analyzing the results

We provide step-by-step guides for analyzing the raw experimental results. We have included the raw experimental results in our repository. Alternatively, you can redirect the code to your own experimental results.

cd analysis/
jupyter notebook

Customize the code

We want to highlight that our methodology is highly general, and we are glad to see if you would like to apply our code in different applications.

1 Generate other experimental setups

We generate all the experiment setups using yaml_gen.py. For example, to generate configurations for MLP on CIFAR-10:

python yaml_gen.py --task mlp_cifar10 # MLP on CIFAR-10

You can read and edit yaml_gen.py, so that you can generate other experimental setups

2 Experiment with other relational graphs

We generate relational graphs in generate_graphs.ipynb. You can follow the setups there to generate relational graphs with different number of nodes, or different granularity in the space of (clustering C, path length L).

Another fun application will be translating your favorite graph (other bio networks, star graphs, grid graphs, etc.) into MLP or ResNet. To do this, you can edit def generate_index in pycls/models/relational_graph.py to include your customized graphs, which should be fair simple.

3 Experiment with other image classification models

We implement the base neural architectures, such as MLP, ResNet or EfficientNet, in pycls/models. You may follow an example, such as pycls/models/resnet.py, to see how a relational graph structure is enforced for a given base architecture. You may try out other neural architectures such as VGG, MobileNets, etc.

4 Apply to other application domains

This codebase is primarily built for image classification tasks. However, our proposed relational graph representation is general for many other neural networks and application domains. For example, we have tried to apply our approach to Transformer for neural machine translation tasks, and it works reasonably well, using the fairseq codebase.

Here we provide a high-level guideline for this kind of application:

Citing our paper

If you find our paper and/or our codebase useful, please consider cite our paper:

  title = {Graph Structure of Neural Networks},
  author = {You, Jiaxuan and Leskovec, Jure and He, Kaiming and Xie, Saining},
  booktitle = {ICML},
  year = {2020}


graph2nn is released under the MIT license. Please see the LICENSE file for more information.


We actively welcome your pull requests! Please see CONTRIBUTING.md and CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md for more info.