


This repository contains additional reference translations for the WMT'14 En-De and En-Fr test sets (newstest2014) as described in the paper: Analyzing Uncertainty in Neural Machine Translation.

In particular we provide 10,000 additional reference translations written by professional translators:


Each line in the data file contains a sentence and an identifier, where identifiers represent:

Sentence numbers correspond to the index of the sentence in the full test set (see below).

Full test sets

The full test sets from which the sentences were sampled can be reconstructed with sacrebleu:

sacrebleu --test-set wmt14 --language-pair en-de --echo src
sacrebleu --test-set wmt14 --language-pair en-de --echo ref
sacrebleu --test-set wmt14/full --language-pair en-fr --echo src
sacrebleu --test-set wmt14/full --language-pair en-fr --echo ref


If you use the data in your paper, then please cite it as:

  author    = {Ott, Myle and Auli, Michael and Grangier, David and Ranzato, Marc'Aurelio},
  title     = {Analyzing Uncertainty in Neural Machine Translation},
  booktitle = {International Conference on Machine Learning},
  year      = 2018,


The dataset is licenced under CC-by-NC, see the LICENSE file for details.