

PartDistillation: Learning Parts from Instance Segmentation

PartDistillation learns to segment parts over 21k object categories without labels.

<p align="center"> <img src='teaser.png' align="center" height="200px"> </p>

PartDistillation: Learning Parts from Instance Segmentation,
Jang Hyun Cho, Philipp Krähenbühl, Vignash Ramanathan, arxiv (arXiv xxxx)

Contact: janghyuncho7@utexas.edu


Please see installation instructions.

Internal: See INSTALL.md.

Getting Started

See instructions for preparing datasets and preparing models for PartDistillation.

Internal: See datasets/README.md and weights/README.md.

Training PartDistillation

PartDistillation has multiple stages to train the full model. Parts are separated with object segmentation and we use Detic predictions to do the job. To make the process fast, we save all detic predictions of ImageNet first.

Save detic prediction


Above code will launch 60 parallel jobs to run detic and save the result at pseudo_labels/object_labels/imagenet_22k_train/detic_predictions/.

Pixel grouping for class-agnostic part segments


Above code will launch 40 parallel jobs. Pixel-grouping is good initial segments, but rough. Need to smooth out with postprocessing. We postprocess all part segments with dense-CRF with the following command.


NOTE: change the number of processes in the submit files to accomodate the resource availability.

Then, we start training part proposal model (1st stage), which is a class-agnostic part segmentation model based on Mask2Former.

Part-proposal Learning


Above code will train on 4 nodes with 256 batch size. Then, we need to establish global association for each object class. This allows to produce consistent class label for each part during inference. We call this process part ranking.

Part Ranking


This generate part segmentation labels with class (as cluster assignment). With this, we self-train the entire system all-together.

PartDistillation Training


This will launch 4 node job training on entire ImageNet-21K dataset.


Supervised learning

Supervised models can be trained with commands in sh_files/supervised_learning/. For example,


will launch a 4 node job training a Mask2Former-based model (same configuration as ours) on train split of Pascal Parts dataset.

Fewshot training

In, sh_files/fewshot_learning/ there are all training commands for training fewshot. For example,


will launch 1 node job finetuning a pretrained model in fewshot setting.

NOTE: please modify model_weights and percent variables based on your needs.

Locations (Internal)

Original codes




Refactored code




Pseudo labels


trained models


everything else



New annotations and models are saved in pseudo_labels/ and output/. Please change the path in submit files if new annotations and models will be used in public.


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