

Exploring Data-Efficient 3D Scene Understanding with Contrastive Scene Contexts

The rapid progress in 3D scene understanding has come with growing demand for data; however, collecting and annotating 3D scenes (e.g. point clouds) are notoriously hard. For example, the number of scenes (e.g. indoor rooms) that can be accessed and scanned might be limited; even given sufficient data, acquiring 3D labels (e.g. instance masks) requires intensive human labor. In this paper, we explore data-efficient learning for 3D point cloud. As a first step towards this direction, we propose Contrastive Scene Contexts, a 3D pre-training method that makes use of both point-level correspondences and spatial contexts in a scene. Our method achieves state-of-the-art results on a suite of benchmarks where training data or labels are scarce. Our study reveals that exhaustive labelling of 3D point clouds might be unnecessary; and remarkably, on ScanNet, even using 0.1% of point labels, we still achieve 89% (instance segmentation) and 96% (semantic segmentation) of the baseline performance that uses full annotations.

[CVPR 2021 Paper] [Video] [Project Page] [ScanNet Data-Efficient Benchmark]


This codebase was tested with the following environment configurations.


We use conda for the installation process:

# Install virtual env and PyTorch
conda create -n sparseconv043 python=3.7
conda activate sparseconv043
conda install pytorch==1.5.1 torchvision==0.6.1 cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch

# Complie and install MinkowskiEngine 0.4.3.
conda install mkl mkl-include -c intel
wget https://github.com/NVIDIA/MinkowskiEngine/archive/refs/tags/v0.4.3.zip
cd MinkowskiEngine-0.4.3 
python setup.py install

Next, download Contrastive Scene Contexts git repository and install the requirement from the root directory.

git clone https://github.com/facebookresearch/ContrastiveSceneContexts.git
cd ContrastiveSceneContexts
pip install -r requirements.txt

Our code also depends on PointGroup and PointNet++.

# Install OPs in PointGroup by:
conda install -c bioconda google-sparsehash
cd downstream/insseg/lib/bfs/ops
python setup.py build_ext --include-dirs=YOUR_ENV_PATH/include
python setup.py install

# Install PointNet++
cd downstream/votenet/models/backbone/pointnet2
python setup.py install

Pre-training on ScanNet

Data Pre-processing

For pre-training, one can generate ScanNet Pair data by following code (need to change the TARGET and SCANNET_DIR accordingly in the script).

cd pretrain/scannet_pair

This piece of code first extracts pointcloud from partial frames, and then computes a filelist of overlapped partial frames for each scene. Generate a combined txt file called overlap30.txt of filelists of each scene by running the code

cd pretrain/scannet_pair
python generate_list.py --target_dir TARGET

This overlap30.txt should be put into folder TARGET/splits.


Our codebase enables multi-gpu training with distributed data parallel (DDP) module in pytorch. To train ContrastiveSceneContexts with 8 GPUs (batch_size=32, 4 per GPU) on a single server:

cd pretrain/contrastive_scene_contexts
# Pretrain with SparseConv backbone
OUT_DIR=./output DATASET=ROOT_PATH_OF_DATA scripts/pretrain_sparseconv.sh
# Pretrain with PointNet++ backbone
OUT_DIR=./output DATASET=ROOT_PATH_OF_DATA scripts/pretrain_pointnet2.sh

ScanNet Downstream Tasks

Data Pre-Processing

We provide the code for pre-processing the data for ScanNet downstream tasks. One can run following code to generate the training data for semantic segmentation and instance segmentation. We use SCANNET_DATA to refer where scannet data lives and SCANNET_OUT_PATH to denote the output path of processed scannet data.

# Edit path variables: SCANNET_DATA and SCANNET_OUT_PATH
cd downstream/semseg/lib/datasets/preprocessing/scannet
python collect_indoor3d_data.py --input SCANNET_DATA --output SCANNET_OUT_PATH
# copy the filelists
cp -r split SCANNET_OUT_PATH

For ScanNet detection data generation, please refer to VoteNet ScanNet Data. Run command to soft link the generated detection data (located in PATH_DET_DATA) to following location:

# soft link detection data
cd downstream/det/
ln -s PATH_DET_DATA datasets/scannet/scannet_train_detection_data

For Data-Efficient Learning, download the scene_list and points_list as well as bbox_list from ScanNet Data-Efficient Benchmark. To Active Selection for points_list, run following code:

# Get features per point
cd downstream/semseg/
DATAPATH=SCANNET_DATA LOG_DIR=./output PRETRAIN=PATH_CHECKPOINT ./scripts/inference_features.sh
# run k-means on feature space
cd lib
python sampling_points.py --point_data SCANNET_OUT_PATH --feat_data PATH_CHECKPOINT

Semantic Segmentation

We provide code for the semantic segmentation experiments conducted in our paper. Our code supports multi-gpu training. To train with 8 GPUs on a single server,

# Edit relevant path variables and then run:
cd downstream/semseg/

For Limited Scene Reconstruction, run following code:

# Edit relevant path variables and then run:
cd downstream/semseg/

For Limited Points Annotation, run following code:

# Edit relevant path variables and then run:
cd downstream/semseg/

Model Zoo

We also provide our pre-trained checkpoints (and log file) for reference. You can evalutate our pre-trained model by running code:

# PATH_CHECKPOINT points to downloaded pre-trained model path:
cd downstream/semseg/
Training DatamIoU (val)Pre-trained Model Used (for initialization)LogsCurvesModel
1% scenes29.3downloadlinklinklink
5% scenes45.4downloadlinklinklink
10% scenes59.5downloadlinklinklink
20% scenes64.1downloadlinklinklink
100% scenes73.8downloadlinklinklink
20 points53.8downloadlinklinklink
50 points62.9downloadlinklinklink
100 points66.9downloadlinklinklink
200 points69.0downloadlinklinklink

Instance Segmentation

We provide code for the instance segmentation experiments conducted in our paper. Our code supports multi-gpu training. To train with 8 GPUs on a single server,

# Edit relevant path variables and then run:
cd downstream/insseg/

For Limited Scene Reconstruction, run following code:

# Edit relevant path variables and then run:
cd downstream/insseg/

For Limited Points Annotation, run following code:

# Edit relevant path variables and then run:
cd downstream/insseg/

For ScanNet Benchmark, run following code (train on train+val and evaluate on val):

# Edit relevant path variables and then run:
cd downstream/insseg/
DATAPATH=SCANNET_OUT_PATH LOG_DIR=./output PRETRAIN=PATH_CHECKPOINT ./scripts/train_scannet_benchmark.sh

Model Zoo

We provide our pre-trained checkpoints (and log file) for reference. You can evalutate our pre-trained model by running code:

# PATH_CHECKPOINT points to pre-trained model path:
cd downstream/insseg/

For submitting to ScanNet Benchmark with our pre-trained model, run following command (the submission file is located in output/benchmark_instance):

# PATH_CHECKPOINT points to pre-trained model path:
cd downstream/insseg/
DATAPATH=SCANNET_DATA LOG_DIR=./output PRETRAIN=PATH_CHECKPOINT ./scripts/test_scannet_benchmark.sh
Training DatamAP@0.5 (val)Pre-trained Model Used (for initialization)LogsCurvesModel
1% scenes12.3downloadlinklinklink
5% scenes33.9downloadlinklinklink
10% scenes45.3downloadlinklinklink
20% scenes49.8downloadlinklinklink
100% scenes59.4downloadlinklinklink
20 points27.2downloadlinklinklink
50 points35.7downloadlinklinklink
100 points43.6downloadlinklinklink
200 points50.4downloadlinklinklink
train + val76.5 (64.8 on test)downloadlinklinklink

3D Object Detection

We provide the code for 3D Object Detection downstream task. The code is adapted directly fron VoteNet. Additionally, we provide two backones, namely PointNet++ and SparseConv. To fine-tune the downstream task, run following command:

cd downstream/votenet/
# train sparseconv backbone
LOG_DIR=./output PRETRAIN=PATH_CHECKPOINT ./scripts/train_scannet.sh
# train pointnet++ backbone
LOG_DIR=./output PRETRAIN=PATH_CHECKPOINT ./scripts/train_scannet_pointnet.sh

For Limited Scene Reconstruction, run following code:

# Edit relevant path variables and then run:
cd downstream/votenet/
LOG_DIR=./output PRETRAIN=PATH_CHECKPOINT TRAIN_FILE=PATH_SCENE_LIST ./scripts/data_efficient/by_Scentrain_scannet.sh

For Limited Bbox Annotation, run following code:

# Edit relevant path variables and then run:
cd downstream/votenet/

For submitting to ScanNet Data-Efficient Benchmark, you can set "test.write_to_bencmark=True" in "downstream/votenet/scripts/test_scannet.sh" or "downstream/votenet/scripts/test_scannet_pointnet.sh"

Model Zoo

We provide our pre-trained checkpoints (and log file) for reference. You can evaluate our pre-trained model by running following code.

# PATH_CHECKPOINT points to pre-trained model path:
cd downstream/votenet/
LOG_DIR=./output PRETRAIN=PATH_CHECKPOINT ./scripts/test_scannet.sh
Training DatamAP@0.5 (val)mAP@0.25 (val)Pre-trained Model Used (for initialization)LogsCurvesModel
10% scenes9.924.7downloadlinklinklink
20% scenes21.441.4downloadlinklinklink
40% scenes29.552.0downloadlinklinklink
80% scenes36.356.3downloadlinklinklink
100% scenes39.359.1downloadlinklinklink
100% scenes (PointNet++)39.262.5downloadlinklinklink
1 bboxes10.924.5downloadlinklinklink
2 bboxes18.536.5downloadlinklinklink
4 bboxes26.145.9downloadlinklinklink
7 bboxes30.452.5downloadlinklinklink

Stanford 3D (S3DIS) Fine-tuning

Data Pre-Processing

We provide the code for pre-processing the data for Stanford3D (S3DIS) downstream tasks. One can run following code to generate the training data for semantic segmentation and instance segmentation.

# Edit path variables, STANFORD_3D_OUT_PATH
cd downstream/semseg/lib/datasets/preprocessing/stanford
python stanford.py

Semantic Segmentation

We provide code for the semantic segmentation experiments conducted in our paper. Our code supports multi-gpu training. To fine-tune with 8 GPUs on a single server,

# Edit relevant path variables and then run:
cd downstream/semseg/

Model Zoo

We provide our pre-trained model and log file for reference. You can evalutate our pre-trained model by running code:

# PATH_CHECKPOINT points to pre-trained model path:
cd downstream/semseg/
Training DatamIoU (val)Pre-trained Model Used (for initialization)LogsCurvesModel
100% scenes72.2downloadlinklinklink

Instance Segmentation

We provide code for the instance segmentation experiments conducted in our paper. Our code supports multi-gpu training. To fine-tune with 8 GPUs on a single server,

# Edit relevant path variables and then run:
cd downstream/insseg/

Model Zoo

We provide our pre-trained model and log file for reference. You can evaluate our pre-trained model by running code:

# PATH_CHECKPOINT points to pre-trained model path:
cd downstream/insseg/
Training DatamAP@0.5 (val)Pre-trained Model Used (for initialization)LogsCurvesModel
100% scenes63.4downloadlinklinklink

SUN-RGBD Fine-tuning

Data Pre-Processing

For SUN-RGBD detection data generation, please refer to VoteNet SUN-RGBD Data. To soft link generated SUN-RGBD detection data (SUN_RGBD_DATA_PATH) to following location, run the command:

cd downstream/det/datasets/sunrgbd
# soft link 
link -s SUN_RGBD_DATA_PATH/sunrgbd_pc_bbox_votes_50k_v1_train sunrgbd_pc_bbox_votes_50k_v1_train
link -s SUN_RGBD_DATA_PATH/sunrgbd_pc_bbox_votes_50k_v1_val sunrgbd_pc_bbox_votes_50k_v1_val

3D Object Detection

We provide the code for 3D Object Detection downstream task. The code is adapted directly fron VoteNet. To fine-tune the downstream task, run following code:

# Edit relevant path variables and then run:
cd downstream/votenet/
LOG_DIR=./output PRETRAIN=PATH_CHECKPOINT ./scripts/train_sunrgbd.sh

Model Zoo

We provide our pre-trained checkpoints (and log file) for reference. You can load our pre-trained model by setting the pre-trained model path to PATH_CHECKPOINT.

# PATH_CHECKPOINT points to pre-trained model path:
cd downstream/votenet/
LOG_DIR=./output PRETRAIN=PATH_CHECKPOINT ./scripts/test_sunrgbd.sh
Training DatamAP@0.5 (val)mAP@0.25 (val)Pre-trained Model (initialization)LogsCurvesModel
100% scenes36.458.9downloadlinklinklink

Citing our paper

  title={Exploring data-efficient 3d scene understanding with contrastive scene contexts},
  author={Hou, Ji and Graham, Benjamin and Nie{\ss}ner, Matthias and Xie, Saining},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},


Contrastive Scene Contexts is relased under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.