

Archived Repo

This is an archived project and is no longer supported or updated by Facebook. Please do not file issues or pull-requests against this repo. If you wish to continue to develop this code yourself, we recommend you fork it.

Proceed and be bold!


phpsh is a read-eval-print-loop for php that features readline history, tab completion, and quick access to documentation. It was developed at Facebook and ironically, is written mostly in python. It is open source and released under a modified BSD license.

Mailing list at: http://groups.google.com/group/phpsh

PHP Dependencies



Python Dependencies

Installing Globally

Note that this install currently clobbers any previous /etc/phpsh/rc.php

Installing Locally

Note that this install currently clobbers any previous ~/.phpsh/rc.php

You will probably want to put the PYTHONPATH line in your .bashrc or such, and just add ~/bin to your PATH as well.

There are more details on installing from a setup.py at http://docs.python.org/library/distutils.html

After Install

Vanilla PHP

Connecting to an Actual Codebase


Individual Configuration

Hacking on phpsh

Todo (after phpsh 1.2)