

Relay · GitHub license npm version

Relay is a JavaScript framework for building data-driven React applications.

See how to use Relay in your own project.


The relay-examples repository contains an implementation of TodoMVC. To try it out:

git clone https://github.com/relayjs/relay-examples.git
cd relay-examples/todo
yarn build
yarn start

Then, just point your browser at http://localhost:3000.


We actively welcome pull requests, learn how to contribute.


We have a community-maintained list of people and projects using Relay in production.


Relay is MIT licensed.


We'd like to thank the contributors that helped make Relay in open source possible.

The open source project relay-hooks allowed the community to experiment with Relay and React Hooks, and was a source of valuable feedback for us. The idea for the useSubscription hook originated in an issue on that repo. Thank you @morrys for driving this project and for playing such an important role in our open source community.

Thank you for helping make this possible!