

fbcunn - Deep Learning CUDA Extensions from Facebook AI Research.


Deep Learning is a popular kid in machine learning these days. At Facebook AI Research we've been doing quite a bit of deep learning research. This repository contains our highly engineered deep learning modules for GPUs, to accelerate your own deep learning endeavors. It plugs into the Torch-7 framework and installs seamlessly via luarocks, and is fully compatible with torch's nn package.

In summary, we're releasing fast nn modules for Convnets and neural networks in general:



We know that science and technology progress faster when researchers exchange ideas and tools. Making significant progress in AI will take the participation of the entire research community, and We want to do what we can to make the field progress faster. That is why we love open science and open source. We publish our research with open access, very often on Arxiv, on our members' web sites, and eventually on the FAIR publications page. And we share our code right here!

Who is this for?

This will help you if you want to train large-scale deep learning systems (particularly convolutional nets) for image recognition, NLP, or other applications. This will help you particularly well if already are a Torch user.

How to install them?

You will find step-by-step and detailed installation instructions in INSTALL.md

We've worked hard to make the install as pain-free as possible. If you have an issue, use github issues, we'll try our best to help.

How to use them?

m = nn.DataParallel():add(nn.SpatialConvolution(...)):add(nn.ReLU()) -- see, so simple
conv = nn.SpatialConvolutionCuFFT(...) -- fast spatial convolutions!
conv = nn.TemporalConvolutionFB(...) -- fast temporal convolutions!


The unit tests in the test/ folder also double as examples! If you have a question, do ask.

I want exact details of everything...

API docs, generated with torch-dokx, are available at http://facebook.github.io/fbcunn/fbcunn/

Some of the unit tests need fbnn


fbcunn is BSD-licensed. We also provide an additional patent grant.