

Kotlin DDD Sample

Kotlin DDD Sample is a open-source project meant to be used as a start point, or an inspiration, for those who want to build Domain Driven Design applications in Kotlin. The domain model was inspired by this repo where we built a sample project using Rails.

NOTE: This is NOT intended to be a definitive solution or a production ready project

Technologies/frameworks/tools involved

Architecture overview



CQRS splits your application (and even the database in some cases) into two different paths: Commands and Queries.

Command side

Every operation that can trigger an side effect on the server must pass through the CQRS "command side". I like to put the Handlers (commands handlers and events handlers) inside the application layer because their goals are almost the same: orchestrate domain operations (also usually using infrastructure services).

command side

Query side

Pretty straight forward, the controller receives the request, calls the related query repo and returns a DTO (defined on infrastructure layer itself).

query side

The domain (problem space)

This project is based on a didactic domain that basically consists in maintaining an Order (adding and removing items in it). The operations supported by the application are:

Pretty simple, right?



./gradlew build


gradlew.bat build

RabbitMQ setup

There is a file named AMQPRabbitConfiguration in this repo (located here) where the configuration needed by axon to integrate with RabbitMQ (to send end receive persistent messages) is stored. To use that, just remove the comments.

You need a running rabbit, you can start one in a docker container using the following commands:

docker pull rabbitmq
docker run -d --hostname my-rabbit --name some-rabbit rabbitmq:3-management

You can access the rabbit UI by this url:

That's it. You don't need to do anything else, the setup in the AMQPRabbitConfiguration class will create the necessary queue and exchange in Rabbit and also configure axon accordingly. Note that if you customize something in your rabbit server you need to adjust the application.properties file (here we are using the default ports, ips, etc).

This both dependencies are used just for Rabbit:

If you don't want o use an AMQP you can remove this dependencies from the web project gradle's file.


./gradlew test

Postman requests

You can trigger all the operations of this project using the requests inside this json (just import it on your local postman).


Contributions are welcome! :heartbeat: