


The definitive collection of is* functions for runtime type checking. Lodash-compatible, tree-shakable, with types.



npm install --save is@npm:@fabiospampinato/is



Checks if a value is an arguments object.

import {isArguments} from 'is';

const args = (function () { return arguments; })();

isArguments ( args ); // => true
isArguments ( [] ); // => false


Checks if a value is an ArrayBuffer object.

import {isArrayBuffer} from 'is';

isArrayBuffer ( new ArrayBuffer ( 8 ) ); // => true
isArrayBuffer ( [] ); // => false


Checks if a value is an Array-like object, meaning a non-string and non-function with an integer length property.

import {isArrayLikeObject} from 'is';

isArrayLikeObject ( [] ); // => true
isArrayLikeObject ( { length: 1 } ); // => true
isArrayLikeObject ( 'foo' ); // => false
isArrayLikeObject ( isArrayLikeObject ); // => false


Checks if a value is an Array-like object, meaning a non-function with an integer length property.

import {isArrayLike} from 'is';

isArrayLike ( [] ); // => true
isArrayLike ( { length: 1 } ); // => true
isArrayLike ( 'foo' ); // => true
isArrayLike ( isArrayLike ); // => false


Checks if a value is an Array.

import {isArray} from 'is';

isArray ( [] ); // => true
isArray ( {} ); // => false

isArrowFunction 🆕

Checks if a value is an arrow function. There's a detectable difference between regular and arrow functions.

import {isArrowFunction} from 'is';

isArrowFunction ( () => {} ); // => true
isArrowFunction ( function () {} ); // => false

isAsyncFunction 🆕

Checks if a value is an async function. Note that this will return false for async generator functions.

import {isAsyncFunction} from 'is';

isAsyncFunction ( async () => {} ); // => true
isAsyncFunction ( () => {} ); // => false

isAsyncGeneratorFunction 🆕

Checks if a value is an async generator function.

import {isAsyncGeneratorFunction} from 'is';

isAsyncGeneratorFunction ( function* () {} ); // => true
isAsyncGeneratorFunction ( function () {} ); // => false

isAsyncIterable 🆕

Checks if a value is an async iterable.

import {isAsyncIterable} from 'is';

const myAsyncIterable = {
  async * [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
    yield 'hello';

isAsyncIterable ( myAsyncIterable ); // => true
isAsyncIterable ( [] ); // => false

isAttribute 🆕

Checks if a value is likely a DOM attribute.

import {isAttribute} from 'is';

isAttribute ( document.createAttribute ( 'foo' ) ); // => true
isAttribute ( body ); // => false

isBigInt 🆕

Checks if a value is a bigint.

import {isBigInt} from 'is';

isBigInt ( 0n ); // => true
isBigInt ( 0 ); // => false

isBigInt64Array 🆕

Checks if a value is a BigInt64Array.

import {isBigInt64Array} from 'is';

isBigInt64Array ( new BigInt64Array () ); // => true
isBigInt64Array ( [] ); // => false

isBigUint64Array 🆕

Checks if a value is a BigUint64Array.

import {isBigUint64Array} from 'is';

isBigUint64Array ( new BigUint64Array () ); // => true
isBigUint64Array ( [] ); // => false

isBlob 🆕

Checks if a value is a Blob.

import {isBlob} from 'is';

isBlob ( new Blob ( [] ) ); // => true
isBlob ( [] ); // => false


Checks if a value is a boolean.

import {isBoolean} from 'is';

isBoolean ( true ); // => true
isBoolean ( false ); // => true
isBoolean ( 0 ); // => false;

isBoundFunction 🆕

Checks if a value is a bound function.

import {isBoundFunction} from 'is';

isBoundFunction ( (function () {}).bind ( this ) ); // => true
isBoundFunction ( () => {} ); // => true
isBoundFunction ( function () {} ); // => false

isBoxedBigInt 🆕

Check if a value is a boxed bigint.

import {isBoxedBigInt} from 'is';

isBoxedBigInt ( 0n ); // => false
isBoxedBigInt ( Object ( 0n ) ); // => true

isBoxedBoolean 🆕

Check if a value is a boxed boolean.

import {isBoxedBoolean} from 'is';

isBoxedBoolean ( true ); // => false
isBoxedBoolean ( Object ( true ) ); // => true

isBoxedNumber 🆕

Check if a value is a boxed number.

import {isBoxedNumber} from 'is';

isBoxedNumber ( 0 ); // => false
isBoxedNumber ( Object ( 0 ) ); // => true

isBoxedPrimitive 🆕

Check if a value is a boxed primitive.

import {isBoxedPrimitive} from 'is';

isBoxedPrimitive ( 0 ); // => false
isBoxedPrimitive ( Object ( 0 ) ); // => true
isBoxedPrimitive ( Object ( 0n ) ); // => true

isBoxedString 🆕

Check if a value is a boxed string.

import {isBoxedString} from 'is';

isBoxedString ( 'foo' ); // => false
isBoxedString ( Object ( 'foo' ) ); // => true

isBoxedSymbol 🆕

Check if a value is a boxed symbol.

import {isBoxedSymbol} from 'is';

isBoxedSymbol ( Symbol () ); // => false
isBoxedSymbol ( Object ( Symbol () ) ); // => true


Checks if a value is a Buffer.

import {isBuffer} from 'is';

isBuffer ( Buffer.from ( '' ) ); // => true
isBuffer ( [] ); // => false

isClass 🆕

Checks if a value is an ES6 class. Note that classes lowered to work in ES5 are not actual classes anymore, there's a detectable difference when the class keyword is used.

import {isClass} from 'is';

isClass ( class Foo {} ); // => true
isClass ( isClass ); // => false

isComment 🆕

Checks if a value is likely a DOM comment.

import {isComment} from 'is';

isComment ( document.createComment ( 'foo' ) ); // => true
isComment ( body ); // => false

isDataView 🆕

Checks if a value is a DataView.

import {isDataView} from 'is';

isDataView ( new DataView ( new ArrayBuffer ( 2 ) ) ); // => true
isDataView ( [] ); // => false


Checks if a value is a Date.

import {isDate} from 'is';

isDate ( new Date () ); // => true
isDate ( 0 ); // => false

isDefined 🆕

Checks if a value is not undefined, nor null.

import {isDefined} from 'is';

isDefined ( undefined ); // => false
isDefined ( null ); // => false
isDefined ( 0 ); // => true

isDocument 🆕

Checks if a value is likely a DOM document.

import {isDocument} from 'is';

isDocument ( document ); // => true
isDocument ( window ); // => false

isDocumentFragment 🆕

Checks if a value is likely a DOM document fragment.

import {isDocumentFragment} from 'is';

isDocumentFragment ( new DocumentFragment () ); // => true
isDocumentFragment ( document ); // => false

isDocumentType 🆕

Checks if a value is likely a DOM document type.

import {isDocumentType} from 'is';

isDocumentType ( document.doctype ); // => true
isDocumentType ( document ); // => false


Checks if a value is likely a DOM element.

import {isElement} from 'is';

isElement ( body ); // => true
isElement ( window ); // => false


Checks if a value is an empty array, string, buffer, typed array, arguments object, map, set, prototype or regular object.

import {isEmpty} from 'is';

isEmpty ( [] ); // => true
isEmpty ( {} ); // => true
isEmpty ( 123 ); // => true
isEmpty ( [123] ); // => false


Checks if a value is an Error.

import {isError} from 'is';

isError ( new Error () ); // => true
isError ( { message: 'asd' } ); // => false

isEven 🆕

Checks if a value is an even integer.

import {isEven} from 'is';

isEven ( 2 ); // => true
isEven ( 1 ); // => false

isFalsy 🆕

Checks if a value is falsy.

import {isFalsy} from 'is';

isFalsy ( 0 ); // => true
isFalsy ( '' ); // => true
isFalsy ( [] ); // => false


Checks if a value is a finite number.

import {isFinite} from 'is';

isFinite ( 0 ); // => true
isFinite ( Infinity ); // => false
isFinite ( -Infinity ); // => false
isFinite ( NaN ); // => false

isFloat 🆕

Checks if a value is a float.

import {isFloat} from 'is';

isFloat ( 1.2 ); // => true
isFloat ( 0 ); // => false
isFloat ( -1 ); // => false

isFloat32Array 🆕

Checks if a value is a Float32Array.

import {isFloat32Array} from 'is';

isFloat32Array ( new Float32Array () ); // => true
isFloat32Array ( [] ); // => false

isFloat64Array 🆕

Checks if a value is a Float64Array.

import {isFloat64Array} from 'is';

isFloat64Array ( new Float64Array () ); // => true
isFloat64Array ( [] ); // => false

isFrozen 🆕

Checks if a value is frozen.

import {isFrozen} from 'is';

isFrozen ( Object.freeze ( {} ) ); // => true
isFrozen ( {} ); // => false


Checks if a value is a function.

import {isFunction} from 'is';

isFunction ( isFunction ); // => true
isFunction ( { call: () => {} } ); // => false

isGeneratorFunction 🆕

Checks if a value is a generator function. Note that this will return false for async generator functions.

import {isGeneratorFunction} from 'is';

isGeneratorFunction ( function* () {} ); // => true
isGeneratorFunction ( function () {} ); // => false

isInt8Array 🆕

Checks if a value is a Int8Array.

import {isInt8Array} from 'is';

isInt8Array ( new Int8Array () ); // => true
isInt8Array ( [] ); // => false

isInt16Array 🆕

Checks if a value is a Int16Array.

import {isInt16Array} from 'is';

isInt16Array ( new Int16Array () ); // => true
isInt16Array ( [] ); // => false

isInt32Array 🆕

Checks if a value is a Int32Array.

import {isInt32Array} from 'is';

isInt32Array ( new Int32Array () ); // => true
isInt32Array ( [] ); // => false


Checks if a value is an integer.

import {isInteger} from 'is';

isInteger ( 0 ); // => true
isInteger ( -1 ); // => true
isInteger ( 1.2 ); // => false

isIterable 🆕

Checks if a value is an iterable.

import {isIterable} from 'is';

isIterable ( [] ); // => true
isIterable ( {} ); // => false


Checks if a value could be a valid length index.

import {isLength} from 'is';

isLength ( 0 ); // => true
isLength ( -1 ); // => false
isLength ( 1.2 ); // => false
isLength ( Infinity ); // => false


Checks if a value is a Map.

import {isMap} from 'is';

isMap ( new Map () ); // => true
isMap ( {} ); // => false


Checks if a value is exactly NaN.

import {isNaN} from 'is';

isNaN ( NaN ); // => true
isNaN ( undefined ); // => false


Checks if a value is likely a native function.

import {isNative} from 'is';

isNative ( [].push ); // => true
isNative ( isNative ); // => false

isNegativeZero 🆕

Checks if a value is a negative zero, which if you didn't know is detectably different from a positive zero, for real.

import {isNegativeZero} from 'is';

isNegativeZero ( -0 ); // => true
isNegativeZero ( 0 ); // => false


Checks if a value is null or undefined.

import {isNil} from 'is';

isNil ( null ); // => true
isNil ( undefined ); // => true
isNil ( {} ); // => false

isNode 🆕

Checks if a value is likely a DOM node.

import {isNode} from 'is';

isNode ( document.body ); // => true
isNode ( undefined ); // => false


Checks if a value is null.

import {isNull} from 'is';

isNull ( null ); // => true
isNull ( undefined ); // => false


Checks if a value is a number.

import {isNumber} from 'is';

isNumber ( 0 ); // => true
isNumber ( Infinity ); // => true
isNumber ( -Infinity ); // => true
isNumber ( NaN ); // => true
isNumber ( '0' ); // => false

isNumberLike 🆕

Checks if a string can be safely converted to a number.

import {isNumberLike} from 'is';

isNumberLike ( '3' ); // => true
isNumberLike ( '12.3' ); // => true
isNumberLike ( '1e100' ); // => true
isNumberLike ( '0xff' ); // => true
isNumberLike ( 'foo' ); // => false


Checks if a value is an object (not necessarily a plain object).

import {isObjectLike} from 'is';

isObjectLike ( {} ); // => true
isObjectLike ( [] ); // => true
isObjectLike ( isObjectLike ); // => false


Checks if a value is not a primitive. This is the opposite of isPrimitive.

import {isObject} from 'is';

isObject ( {} ); // => true
isObject ( [] ); // => true
isObject ( isObject ); // => true
isObject ( 123 ); // => false

isOdd 🆕

Checks if a value is an odd integer.

import {isOdd} from 'is';

isOdd ( 1 ); // => true
isOdd ( 2 ); // => false


Checks if a value is a plain object.

import {isPlainObject} from 'is';

isPlainObject ( {} ); // => true
isPlainObject ( [] ); // => false
isPlainObject ( isPlainObject ); // => false

isPrimitive 🆕

Checks if a value is a primitive. This is the opposite of isObject.

import {isPrimitive} from 'is';

isPrimitive ( null ); // => true
isPrimitive ( undefined ); // => true
isPrimitive ( '' ); // => true
isPrimitive ( 0 ); // => true
isPrimitive ( 0n ); // => true
isPrimitive ( true ); // => true
isPrimitive ( Symbol () ); // => true
isPrimitive ( {} ); // => false
isPrimitive ( isPrimitive ); // => false

isPromise 🆕

Checks if a value is a Promise.

import {isPromise} from 'is';

isPromise ( Promise.resolve () ); // => true
isPromise ( Promise.reject () ); // => true
isPromise ( { then: () => {} } ); // => false

isPrototype 🆕

Checks if a value is likely a prototype.

import {isPrototype} from 'is';

isPrototype ( Array.prototype ); // => true
isPrototype ( isPrototype ); // => false


Checks if a value is likely a regex.

import {isRegExp} from 'is';

isRegExp ( /x/ ); // => true
isRegExp ( new RegExp ( 'x' ) ); // => true
isRegExp ( 'x' ); // => false

isSealed 🆕

Checks if a value is sealed.

import {isSealed} from 'is';

isSealed ( Object.seal ( {} ) ); // => true
isSealed ( {} ); // => false


Checks if a value is an integer that can be represented faithfully in JavaScript.

import {isSafeInteger} from 'is';

isSafeInteger ( 0 ); // => true
isSafeInteger ( Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER ); // => true
isSafeInteger ( -Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER ); // => true
isSafeInteger ( Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER + 1 ); // => false


Checks if a value is a Set.

import {isSet} from 'is';

isSet ( new Set () ); // => true
isSet ( [] ); // => false

isSharedArrayBuffer 🆕

Checks if a value is a SharedArrayBuffer object.

import {isSharedArrayBuffer} from 'is';

isSharedArrayBuffer ( new SharedArrayBuffer ( 8 ) ); // => true
isSharedArrayBuffer ( [] ); // => false


Checks if a value is a string.

import {isString} from 'is';

isString ( 'foo' ); // => true
isString ( ['f', 'o', 'o'] ); // => false


Checks if a value is a symbol.

import {isSymbol} from 'is';

isSymbol ( Symbol () ); // => true
isSymbol ( {} ); // => false

isText 🆕

Checks if a value is likely a DOM text.

import {isText} from 'is';

isText ( new Text ( 'foo' ) ); // => true
isText ( 'foo ); // => false


Checks if a value is truthy.

import {isTruthy} from 'is';

isTruthy ( [] ); // => true
isTruthy ( 0 ); // => false
isTruthy ( '' ); // => false


Checks if a value is a TypedArray.

import {isTypedArray} from 'is';

isTypedArray ( new Int8Array ( 8 ) ); // => true
isTypedArray ( [] ); // => false

isUint8Array 🆕

Checks if a value is a Uint8Array.

import {isUint8Array} from 'is';

isUint8Array ( new Uint8Array () ); // => true
isUint8Array ( [] ); // => false

isUint8ClampedArray 🆕

Checks if a value is a Uint8ClampedArray.

import {isUint8ClampedArray} from 'is';

isUint8ClampedArray ( new Uint8ClampedArray () ); // => true
isUint8ClampedArray ( [] ); // => false

isUint16Array 🆕

Checks if a value is a Uint16Array.

import {isUint16Array} from 'is';

isUint16Array ( new Uint16Array () ); // => true
isUint16Array ( [] ); // => false

isUint32Array 🆕

Checks if a value is a Uint32Array.

import {isUint32Array} from 'is';

isUint32Array ( new Uint32Array () ); // => true
isUint32Array ( [] ); // => false


Checks if a value is undefined.

import {isUndefined} from 'is';

isUndefined ( undefined ); // => true
isUndefined ( null ); // => false


Checks if a value is a WeakMap.

import {isWeakMap} from 'is';

isWeakMap ( new WeakMap () ); // => true
isWeakMap ( new Map () ); // => false

isWeakRef 🆕

Checks if a value is a WeakRef.

import {isWeakRef} from 'is';

isWeakRef ( new WeakRef ( WeakRef ) ); // => true
isWeakRef ( WeakRef ) ); // => false

isWeakReferable 🆕

Checks if a value can be held weakly, via WeakRef, WeakMap and WeakSet.

import {isWeakReferable} from 'is';

isWeakReferable ( {} ); // => true
isWeakReferable ( 123 ) ); // => false


Checks if a value is a WeakSet.

import {isWeakSet} from 'is';

isWeakSet ( new WeakSet () ); // => true
isWeakSet ( new Set () ); // => false

isWindow 🆕

Checks if a value is the Window object.

import {isWindow} from 'is';

isWindow ( globalThis.window ); // => true, in a browser environment
isWindow ( {} ) ); // => false
