


Finite State Machine implementation, with support for guards and enter/exit events.


$ npm install --save @fabiospampinato/fsm


import FSM from '@fabiospampinato/fsm';

// The keys of a `states` object are the available states
// The value assigned to each key is an object of the following shape:
//   {
//     transitions: {
//       transitionName: '*', // `*` is a special value that points to the current state
//       transitionName: 'nextState',
//       transitionName: {
//         state: 'nextState',
//         guard: 'methodToCall', // Passed if the method returns true
//         guard: '!methodToCall', // Passed if the method returns false
//         guard: 'firstMethodToCall|!secondMethodtoCall' // Passed if all the `|`-separated guards are passed
//       }
//     }
//   }

const states = {
  standing: {
    transitions: {
      walk: {
        state: 'walking',
        guard: '!isLazy'
  walking: {
    transitions: {
      smile: '*',
      stop: 'standing',
      speedUp: 'running'
  running: {
    transitions: {
      slowDown: 'walking'

// A model is an object defining some methods that will be called by the state machine:
//   transition: a method with the same name of a transition will be called when that transition happens
//   enter handlers: a method with a name of `myStateEnter` will be called when the `myState` state is entered
//   exit handlers: a method with a name of `myStateExit` will be called when the `myState` state is exited
//   guards: a method with the same name of a guard will be called before doing a transition

const Model = new class {
  isLazy () {
    return false;
  smile () {
    console.log ( ':D' );
  walkingEnter () {
    console.log ( 'Now I\'m walking' );
  walkingExit () {
    console.log ( 'Now I\'n not walking anymore' );

const machine = new FSM ( Model, states, 'standing' );

machine.transition ( 'walk' );
machine.transition ( 'smile' );
machine.transition ( 'speedUp' );
machine.transition ( 'slowDown' );
machine.transition ( 'stop' );


new FSM ( model, states, initial )

Given a model where to look for handlers, a states object describing the shape of the machine, and an initial state, it returns an instance of FSM.

.get (): string

Returns the current state.

.set ( state: string ): this

Replaces the current state with state.

.reset (): this

Replaces the current state with the initial state.

.is ( state: string ): boolean

Checks if the current state is state.

.isDoable ( transition: string ): boolean

Checks if a particular transition could be done.

.do ( ...args ): this

An alias of .transition.

.transition ( transition: string, ...args ): this

If the transition is not doable, or if the next state is invalid it will throw an exception.

Otherwise it will perform the transition, basically: triggers exit events, if exists calls model's method that have the same name as this transition, triggers enter events.



MIT © Fabio Spampinato