

Software and Network Security - A.Y. 2014-2015<br> Department of Engineering, University of Sannio, Benevento, Italy<br>

Supervisors:<br> Prof. Corrado Aaron Visaggio, email: aaron.visaggio@gmail.com, web: http://www.aaronvisaggio.it/<br> Francesco Mercaldo, email: fmercaldo@gmail.com<br> Developers:<br> Agostino De Lucia, email: agostino.delucia@hotmail.it<br> Raffaele Esposito, email: e_raffaele@alice.it<br> Michele Meninno, email: michele.meninno@gmail.com<br> Pasquale Battista, email: pas.battista@gmail.com<br>

Android Malware Evaluating Tools

In order to accomplish a deep antimalwares' detection algorithms analysis, we developed two different tools, both coded in Java.<br><br>

The first tool, named Alan, through a simple UI, provides the application of eight different smali code transformations<br> (detailed informations about these transformations can be found into the paper attached with the project).<br> This tool contains other two free tools (signapk, apktool) used to decompile and recompile an android<br> application, providing almost original resources of the application.<br> The tool works on smali code, a human readable dalvik bytecode.<br> The aim of these transformations is hiding a malicious behaviour of an application from static malware scanning techniques. A transformed application can be submitted on the website <a href="www.virustotal.com">VirusTotal</a> where it can be analyzed by <b>57</b> well-known (free and paid) anti-malwares.<br><br>

In order to work on a large malaware data-set, we developed a second tool, composed basically of code enabling an automatic upload of the android applications on virus-total, using his specific java API, storing result analysis on a relational database (we provide the schema in the project).<br> This tool provides a simple UI to select among several queries, presenting results on html files<br> Everything is well-documented and ready to be improved for future works.<br>

If you are interested in the results of the study we've carried out analyzing how <b>57</b> antimalwares<br> from <a href="www.virustotal.com">VirusTotal</a> perform against 5600 malwares, before and after the application of<br> obfuscating transformations, you can contact us.<br>