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Rollup plugin for typescript with compiler errors.

This is a rewrite of the original rollup-plugin-typescript, starting and borrowing from this fork.

This version is somewhat slower than the original, but it will print out TypeScript syntactic and semantic diagnostic messages (the main reason for using TypeScript after all).


# with npm
npm install rollup-plugin-typescript2 typescript tslib --save-dev
# with yarn
yarn add rollup-plugin-typescript2 typescript tslib --dev


// rollup.config.js
import typescript from 'rollup-plugin-typescript2';

export default {
	input: './main.ts',

	plugins: [
		typescript(/*{ plugin options }*/)

This plugin inherits all compiler options and file lists from your tsconfig.json file. If your tsconfig has another name or another relative path from the root directory, see tsconfigDefaults, tsconfig, and tsconfigOverride options below. This also allows for passing in different tsconfig files depending on your build target.

Some compiler options are forced

Some compiler options have more than one compatible value

Some options need additional configuration on plugin side



Must be before rollup-plugin-typescript2 in the plugin list, especially when the browser: true option is used (see #66).


See the explanation for rollupCommonJSResolveHack option below.


This plugin transpiles code, but doesn't change file extensions. @rollup/plugin-babel only looks at code with these extensions by default: .js,.jsx,.es6,.es,.mjs. To workaround this, add .ts and .tsx to its list of extensions.

// ...
import { DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS } from '@babel/core';
// ...
		extensions: [
// ...

See #108

Plugin options


This plugin respects declaration: true in your tsconfig.json file. When set, it will emit *.d.ts files for your bundle. The resulting file(s) can then be used with the types property in your package.json file as described here.<br /> By default, the declaration files will be located in the same directory as the generated Rollup bundle. If you want to override this behavior and instead use declarationDir, set useTsconfigDeclarationDir: true in the plugin options.

The above also applies to declarationMap: true and *.d.ts.map files for your bundle.

This plugin also respects emitDeclarationOnly: true and will only emit declarations (and declaration maps, if enabled) if set in your tsconfig.json. If you use emitDeclarationOnly, you will need another plugin to compile any TypeScript sources, such as @rollup/plugin-babel, rollup-plugin-esbuild, rollup-plugin-swc, etc. When composing Rollup plugins this way, rollup-plugin-typescript2 will perform type-checking and declaration generation, while another plugin performs the TypeScript to JavaScript compilation.<br /> Some scenarios where this can be particularly useful: you want to use Babel plugins on TypeScript source, or you want declarations and type-checking for your Vite builds (NOTE: this space has not been fully explored yet).

Watch mode

The way TypeScript handles type-only imports and ambient types effectively hides them from Rollup's watch mode, because import statements are not generated and changing them doesn't trigger a rebuild.

Otherwise the plugin should work in watch mode. Make sure to run a normal build after watch session to catch any type errors.


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