


Introduction | API Documentation | Basics | OAuth | Request Headers | Pagination | Images and Image Resolution | Contact


The EyeEm Public API is read-only by default, and covers the complete EyeEm functionality. We do offer write access on a case-by-case basis. We use the API ourselves for our mobile apps, and are actively developing and improving it. The API is currently in version 2.2.0. We are working on v3 and expect to release that soon.

You can register an app by going to Your apps on EyeEm.

API Documentation




Our API is RESTful, which means that requests are defined using the HTTP verbs GET, PUT, DELETE and POST.

To play around with the api calls, hop over to APIGee: https://apigee.com/eyeem/embed/console/eyeem?v=2

All API calls are SSL encrypted, and the API responses are in JSON. The base API url is https://api.eyeem.com/v2

If you have any issues or any suggestions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

A basic request using curl can look like this:

$ curl https://api.eyeem.com/v2/users/1013?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN

  "user": {
    "id": "1013",
    "fullname": "ramz",
    "nickname": "ramz",
    "thumbUrl": "http://cdn.eyeem.com/thumb/sq/50/0a4a321f1806b00c668d111a314bd98a14985765.jpg",
    "description": "EyeEm Ramz. EyeEm Happy! Srsly. Choo choo!!",
    "photoUrl": "http://cdn.eyeem.com/thumb/sq/200/0a4a321f1806b00c668d111a314bd98a14985765.jpg",
    "totalPhotos": 1040,
    "totalFollowers": 282,
    "totalFriends": 477,
    "totalLikedAlbums": 43


To authenticated requests, we use OAuth2, and we try to comply to the [latest draft] (http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-23). Access Tokens do not expire, at the moment, however, that may also change, and we may start sending refresh_token and an expires parameter with the access_token.

For the time being, you may pass a client_id parameter, or an X-Client-Id header instead of an access_token to most public GET. That is subject to change.

After your registered app is approved, you can use your client_id and client_secret to generate access tokens. Here's the OAuth2 authentication process:

  1. Authorization code: First, point the browser to http://www.eyeem.com/oauth/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=Chi6ae5sLes9beCinae5sohM&redirect_uri=http://example.com/callback The user is prompted to allow/deny access to your app. If they allow access, EyeEm will redirect to the provided url with an authorization code http://example.com/callback?code=Yeenie1H otherwize, the user is redirected with an error message http://example.com/callback?error=access_denied&error_description=The+user+denied+access+to+your+application

  2. Access token: From your backend call curl -X POST "http://api.eyeem.com/v2/oauth/token?grant_type=authorization_code&client_id=Chi6ae5sLes9beCinae5sohM&client_secret=IeBai4eeloRoiw3e&redirect_uri=http://example.com/callback&code=Yeenie1H"

The answer will look like:


For now, EyeEm API access_tokens do not expire, that may change in the future.

  1. Making Authenticated Request:

To make authenticated requests you provide your access token as credentials. You should send it as a header: Authorization: Bearer 2b9b0ef6065e60f3cc81646f3a7622af68295afb however, for the time being, it's also possible to send it as a URL query param: $ curl https://api.eyeem.com/v2/users/12345?access_token=2b9b0ef6065e60f3cc81646f3a7622af68295afb

That's all you need to authenticate with EyeEm.

Request Headers

In addition to your access token, the EyeEm API accepts the following headers (not required)


Some endpoints in the api return arrays of photos, users, or albums. Those endpoints always contain four fields: offset,limit,total and items. items is an array of the requested object, whereas the remaining parameters can be used to paginate the list.

Images and Image Resolutions

You can request EyeEm photos in various sizes and formats. The default API endpoints return a thumbUrl and (optionally) a photoUrl Both urls have the format http://cdn.eyeem.com/thumb/sq/50/0a4a321f1806b00c668d111a314bd98a14985765.jpg and return different size photos that you can simply plug into your app.

In case you want to display photos in a different resolution you can use the same filename and change the two middle parts of the url like so:


For feedback, questions, complaints and props, you can get in touch with us at api@eyeem.com or @eyeemapi on Twitter.