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<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/exyte/media/master/ActivityIndicatorView/demo.gif" width="480" /> <p><h1 align="left">ActivityIndicatorView</h1></p> <p><h4>A number of preset loading indicators created with SwiftUI</h4></p>

SPM Compatible Cocoapods Compatible Carthage Compatible License: MIT


Create an indicator like this:

ActivityIndicatorView(isVisible: $showLoadingIndicator, type: .default)

showLoadingIndicator - bool value you may change to display or hide the indicator
type - value from ActivityIndicatorView.IndicatorType enum

You may alter it with standard SwiftUI means like this:

ActivityIndicatorView(isVisible: $showLoadingIndicator, type: .default)
     .frame(width: 50.0, height: 50.0)

Or specify another indicator type:

ActivityIndicatorView(isVisible: $showLoadingIndicator, type: .growingArc(.red, lineWidth: 4))
    .frame(width: 50.0, height: 50.0)

Indicator types

Each indicator type has a number of parameters that have reasonable defaults. You can change them as you see fit, but it is advised to not set them too high or too low.

default - iOS UIActivityIndicator style

.default(count: 8)


.arcs(count: 3, lineWidth: 2)


.rotatingDots(count: 5)


.flickeringDots(count: 8)


.scalingDots(count: 3, inset: 2)


.opacityDots(count: 3, inset: 4)


.equalizer(count: 5)

growingArc - add custom color for growing Arc, the default value is Color.black

.growingArc(.red, lineWidth: 4)

growingCircle - no parameters
gradient - circle with angular gradient border stroke, pass colors like this:

.gradient([.white, .red], lineWidth: 4)


To try out the ActivityIndicatorView examples:


Swift Package Manager

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/exyte/ActivityIndicatorView.git")


pod 'ActivityIndicatorView'


github "Exyte/ActivityIndicatorView"


Our other open source SwiftUI libraries

PopupView - Toasts and popups library
Grid - The most powerful Grid container
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AnimatedTabBar - A tabbar with a number of preset animations
MediaPicker - Customizable media picker
Chat - Chat UI framework with fully customizable message cells, input view, and a built-in media picker
OpenAI Wrapper lib for OpenAI REST API
AnimatedGradient - Animated linear gradient
ConcentricOnboarding - Animated onboarding flow
FloatingButton - Floating button menu
ProgressIndicatorView - A number of animated progress indicators
FlagAndCountryCode - Phone codes and flags for every country
SVGView - SVG parser
LiquidSwipe - Liquid navigation animation