


Low-level R library bindings

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The recommended way to build this library is to use precompiled bindings, which are available for Linux, macOS, and Windows.

Alternatively, the library can be built from source, in which case it invokes bindgen crate, which has extra platform-specific dependencies (including msys2 for Windows).


libR-sys recognizes the following environment variables:

Using precompiled bindings (recommended)

Two components are required to build the library:

  1. R: It needs to be installed and available in the search path.
  2. Rust: It is recommended to install Rust using rustup; search path should include Rust binaries.

Note: On Windows, only R >= 4.2 is supported

Once R and Rust are configured, the library can be easily built:

# macOS & Linux
cargo build

# Windows
cargo build --target x86_64-pc-windows-gnu

To test the build, run cargo test.

# macOS & Linux
cargo test

# Windows
cargo test --target x86_64-pc-windows-gnu

Building bindings from source (advanced)

Note: On Windows, only R >= 4.2 is supported

The bindings can be generated using bindgen, special Rust crate. bindgen usage is enabled via use-bindgen feature flag.

bindgen requires libclang, which should be installed first. This library relies on LIBCLANG_PATH environment variable to determine path to the appropriate version of libclang.

The output folder for bindings can be configured using LIBRSYS_BINDINGS_OUTPUT_PATH environment variable, thus make sure it is set to e.g bindings.

Running bindgen tests on Windows

Running bindgen tests on Windows requires a bit more setup.

First, add Rtools bin directory to the PATH (replace RTOOLS42_HOME with RTOOLS43_HOME if you are using Rtools 4.3):

$env:PATH += ";$env:RTOOLS42_HOME\x86_64-w64-mingw32.static.posix\bin"

Second, patch Rtools version 4.2 and higher since there is a gcc static linking issue. rustc adds -lgcc_eh flag to the compiler, but Rtools' GCC doesn't have libgcc_eh due to the compilation settings. So, in order to please the compiler, libgcc_eh should be mocked and added to the library search paths. For more details, please refer to r-windows/rtools-packages.

Create a directory for missing library file and an empty file there:

# create a directory in an arbitrary location (e.g. libgcc_mock)
New-Item -Path libgcc_mock -Type Directory

# create empty libgcc_eh.a and libgcc_s.a
New-Item -Path libgcc_mock\libgcc_eh.a -Type File

Finally, configure Rust compiler and select appropriate linker (see The Cargo Book):

$env:LIBRARY_PATH="libgcc_mock" # Replace it with the path to the directory created above

Alternatively, linker can be configured in .cargo/config.toml:

linker = "x86_64-w64-mingw32.static.posix-gcc.exe"

Now, the tests can be run:

cargo test --target x86_64-pc-windows-gnu --features use-bindgen

Editor settings


Rust-analyzer might need some settings. For example, if you are using VS Code, you probably need to add the following options to .vscode/settings.json.

    // The target needs to be GNU
    "rust-analyzer.cargo.target": "x86_64-pc-windows-gnu",
    // Specify "use-bindgen" for developing R-devel.
    "rust-analyzer.cargo.features": [],
    "terminal.integrated.env.windows": {
        "R_HOME": "C:/Program Files/R/R-4.2.2",
        "PATH": "${env:R_HOME}/bin/x64;C:/rtools42/x86_64-w64-mingw32.static.posix/bin;C:/rtools42/usr/bin;${env:PATH}"