

Extension Dashboard for Magento 2

This module adds a dashboard to review all installed extensions in the Magento admin (Magento 2.3.0+ for now only).


Screenshot Dashboard

Screenshot Admin > System > Extension Dashboard


We strongly recommend to always make changes to a Magento 2 site through a development environment that runs in the Developer Mode:

bin/magento deploy:mode:set developer

Add this Git repository to composer and then install the composer package:

composer config repositories.extdndash git https://github.com/extdn/extension-dashboard-m2.git
composer require extdn/extension-dashboard-m2:dev-master

Next, enable the module:

bin/magento module:enable Extdn_ExtensionDashboard
bin/magento setup:upgrade

Next, follow the usual procedure to push changes from the development environment to production (for example with bin/magento deploy:mode:set production).

Extension feeds

This dashboard is being fed through feeds: Either a CSV-file or a remote resource that allows you to define version-information. Currently, the following is supported:
