

Magento 2 Module Experius Page Not Found 404

This module saves all 404 urls to a database table.

Admin grid location: System > Tools > 404 Reports

Admin configuration location: Stores > Settings > Configuration > Advanced > 404 Reports

Why should you use it?

  1. Reports all 404s, not only the ones from Google.
  2. Store owner can fix them by them
  3. Import redirect list when migrating to M2.


 composer require experius/module-pagenotfound

How to use the import csv function?

  1. Create a csv called "pagenotfound.csv" with two two columns: from and to url (don't add column headers)
  2. Add the full url including https:// (for both from and to url) to this csv
  3. Use semicolon (";") as your separator
  4. Upload csv on the Magento server (f.e. var/import folder)
  5. Run the import file command including the url from the previous step

