


MicroW8 is a WebAssembly based fantasy console inspired by the likes of TIC-80, WASM-4 and PICO-8.

The initial motivation behind MicroW8 was to explore whether there was a way to make WebAssembly viable for size-coding. (Size coding being the art of creating tiny (often <= 256 bytes) graphical effects and games.) The available examples so far are all in this space, however, I very carefully made sure that all design decisions make sense from the point of view of bigger projects as well.

See here for more information and docs.



The download includes

uw8 dev tool

uw8 run [<options>] <file>

Runs <file> which can be a binary WebAssembly module, an `.uw8` cart, a wat (WebAssembly text format) source file or a CurlyWas source file.


-b, --browser           : Run in browser instead of using native runtime
-t, --timeout FRAMES    : Sets the timeout in frames (1/60s)
-w, --watch             : Reloads the given file every time it changes on disk.
-p, --pack              : Pack the file into an .uw8 cart before running it and print the resulting size.
-u, --uncompressed      : Use the uncompressed uw8 format for packing.
-l LEVEL, --level LEVEL : Compression level (0-9). Higher compression levels are really slow.
-o FILE, --output FILE  : Write the loaded and optionally packed cart back to disk.

when using the native runtime:

-m, --no-audio          : Disable audio, also reduces cpu load a bit
--no-gpu                : Force old cpu-only window code
--filter FILTER         : Select an upscale filter at startup
--fullscreen            : Start in fullscreen mode

Note that the cpu-only window does not support fullscreen nor upscale filters.

Unless --no-gpu is given, uw8 will first try to open a gpu accelerated window, falling back to the old cpu-only window if that fails.
Therefore you should rarely need to manually pass --no-gpu. If you prefer the old pixel doubling look to the now default crt filter,
you can just pass "--filter nearest" or "--filter 1".

The upscale filter options are:
1, nearest              : Anti-aliased nearest filter
2, fast_crt             : Very simple, cheap crt filter, not very good below a window size of 960x720
3, ss_crt               : Super sampled crt filter, a little more demanding on the GPU but scales well to smaller window sizes
4, chromatic_crt        : Variant of fast_crt with a slight offset of the three color dots of a pixel, still pretty cheap
5, auto_crt (default)   : ss_crt below 960x720, chromatic_crt otherwise

You can switch the upscale filter at any time using the keys 1-5. You can toggle fullscreen with F.

uw8 pack [<options>] <infile> <outfile>

Packs the WebAssembly module or text file, or CurlyWas source file into a .uw8 cart.


-u, --uncompressed      : Use the uncompressed uw8 format for packing.
-l LEVEL, --level LEVEL : Compression level (0-9). Higher compression levels are really slow.

uw8 unpack <infile> <outfile>

Unpacks a MicroW8 module into a standard WebAssembly module.

uw8 compile [<options>] <infile> <outfile>

Compiles a CurlyWas source file to a standard WebAssembly module. Most useful together with
the --debug option to get a module that works well in the Chrome debugger.


-d, --debug             : Generate a name section to help debugging

uw8 filter-exports <infile> <outfile>

Reads a binary WebAssembly module, removes all exports not used by the MicroW8 platform + everything that is unreachable without those exports and writes the resulting module to <outfile>.
