


Exception handling library for clojure

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Clojars Project

Clojars Project

Clojars Project

Clojars Project



This is an exception library, drop in replacement for try/catch/finally, that adds support for ex-info/ex-data with a custom clojure hierarchy that allows to express exceptions relations. It also comes with manifold support.

So we have exoscale.ex/try+, which supports vanilla catch/finally clauses.

If you specify a catch clause with a keyword as first argument things get interesting. We assume you always put an :exoscale.ex/type or :type key in the ex-infos you generate, and will match its value to the value of the key in the catch clause.

The basics

Essentially catch takes this form:

(catch :something m
   ;; where m is a binding to the ex-data (you can destructure at that level as well)

So you can do things like that.

(require '[exoscale.ex :as ex])


  (throw (ex-info "Argh" {::ex/type ::bar :foo "a foo"}))

  (catch ::foo data
    (prn :got-ex-data data))

  (catch ::bar {:as data :keys [foo]}
    ;; in that case it would hit this one
    (prn :got-ex-data-again foo))

  (catch ExceptionInfo e
   ;; this would match an ex-info that didn't get a hit with catch-ex-info)

  (catch Exception e (prn :boring))

  (finally (prn :boring-too)))

Exception hierarchies

We leverage a clojure hierarchy so you can essentially create exceptions relations/extending without having to mess with Java classes directly.

;; so bar is a foo

(ex/derive ::bar ::foo)

  (throw (ex-info "I am a bar" {::ex/type ::bar})
  (catch ::foo d
    (prn "got a foo with data" d)
    (prn "Original exception instance is " (-> d meta ::ex/exception))))

Manifold support

We have exoscale.ex.manifold/catch that matches the semantics of a catch block in try+ but with a more manifold like feel.

(require '[exoscale.ex.manifold :as mx])
(require '[manifold.deferred :as d])

(-> (d/error-deferred (ex-info "boom" {::ex/type :bar}))
    (mx/catch :bar (fn [data] (prn "ex-data is: " data)))
    (d/catch (fn [ex] "... regular manifold handling here")))

How to get to the original exception

You can also get the full exception instance via the metadata on the ex-data we extract, it's under the :exoscale.ex/exception key. If you are within a try+ block you can also access it directly via &ex

Our default internal error type table

We suggest you also either use one of these as ::ex/type or derive your own with these.

Within the namespace :exoscale.ex:

:unavailableyesmake sure callee healthy
:interruptedyesstop interrupting
:incorrectnofix caller bug
:forbiddennofix caller creds
:unsupportednofix caller verb
:not-foundnofix caller noun
:conflictnocoordinate with callee
:faultnofix callee bug
:busyyesbackoff and retry

This is very much inspired by cognitect-labs/anomalies.

We have simple wrappers to create ex-info based on this: ex/ex-unavailable, ex/ex-interrupted and so on. Their signature is identical to ex-info otherwise. An ex-http/response->ex-info utility function that maps HTTP status codes onto this taxonomy is available in the ex.http namespace.

How to generate/use good ex-infos


We have a few helpers

=> (clojure.core.protocols/datafy (ex/ex-incorrect "boom" {:a 1} (ex/ex-incorrect "the-cause")))
#:exoscale.ex{:type :exoscale.ex/incorrect
              :message "boom"
              :data {:a 1}
              :deriving #{:exoscale.ex/foo :exoscale.ex/bar}
              :cause #:exoscale.ex{:type :exoscale.ex/incorrect
                                   :message "the-cause"
                                   :data {...}
                                   :deriving #{:exoscale.ex/foo :exoscale.ex/bar}}

=> (type (ex/map->ex-info *1))

Usage examples

Some real life examples of usage for this: